
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Ditch Lane Diaries by D.F. Jones Release Day Blitz

Ditch Lane Diaries
One-Volume Collection
D.F. Jones

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Angels and Demons,
Metaphysical and Visionary, Fantasy Angels

Publisher: Jones Media

Date of Publication: 2/07/17

Number of Pages: 635
Word Count: 220,913


Cover Artist: Amanda Northcutt
Jones Media

Book Description:

Angels and Demons Collide in the Ditch Lane Diaries

The Ditch Lane Diaries One-Volume Collection, includes Ruby's Choice, Anna's Way, and Sandy's Story, follow three best friends from college to adulthood while navigating life's journey, true loves and supernatural powers bestowed by The Creator as The Chosen to fight in a six-thousand angelic war between good and evil.

A Prophetic Dreamer, a Divine Healer, and a Soul Reader.

The Ditch Lane Diaries follows three childhood friends from college to adulthood.

An afternoon adventure uncovers a hidden room and mysterious stones in Campbell Ridge cave unlocking their supernatural powers.

The prophetic dreamer, Ruby's Choice is a coming of age tale of firsts including the angst of falling in love. Ruby’s Choice introduces the main characters of the story while adding a splash of paranormal.

Anna's Way is the second installment of The Ditch Lane Diaries. Anna is a healer, and one of The Chosen Wards of The Creator.

However, Anna learns quick that true love doesn't come in a nice and neat package. She is in love with Jerry but when she decides to go away to medical school things change.

In Anna's Way, the Ditch Lane Diaries characters evolve with adult problems. She meets her guardian angel, Ralph, who teaches Anna how to use her gift to help others without drawing attention to herself. Anna's friendships and true love is the tie that binds them together while facing supernatural battles against the master of all evil.

The clairvoyant, Sandy's Story is the last book of the Ditch Lane Diaries. The fast-paced, gripping thriller keeps the reader on edge, and the pages turning.
Investigative reporter, Sandy Cothran follows a murder lead on Music Row which uncovers Luc's Testament along with a string of related crimes.

Sandy's guardian angel, Baldric is sworn to protect her but finds himself falling in love with Sandy which breaks all the rules of heaven and places her in grave danger because Luc is waiting in the wings on his given moment to pounce.

The Wards of Campbell Ridge fight with Heaven's Warrior Angels in an epic supernatural battle against Luc and his demons to save one of The Chosen.

$2.99 Special Pricing During Release Week!

Readers Are Saying:

"The Ditch Lane Diaries series has it all and is easily one of my favorites! I am a forever fan of D.F. Jones! If you like drama, romance, betrayal, demons, angels, secrets, magical powers, and jealousy, then this book is for you!!!"

"The Ditch Lane Diaries satiated the starving bookworm in me!"

"I'll just say that if I were an angel, this book would have me sprinkling love dust all over the place. High five DF Jones. Remarkable Read!"

"Grab some tissues for this heart-pounding, pulse-racing series!"

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order books online through most major booksellers.

Ditch Lane Diaries: One-Volume Collection

Ruby’s Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries 1)

Anna’s Way (Ditch Lane Diaries 2)

Sandy’s Story (Ditch Lane Diaries 3)

Antique Mirror, a Halloween Short Story:

 Excerpt from Ruby’s Choice book one of the Ditch Lane Diaries

Ruby sat close to Reed on the drive back to Murfreesboro. There was a wintry chill in the air, and the promise of snow lurked in the late October sky. The two-lane highway had double yellow lines with no shoulder. As they approached the stretch of the road called Dead Man’s Curve, Ruby looked up a second too late to see a deer run out of the woods and dart into the highway in front of Reed’s car.
“Reed, watch out!” she screamed.
 Reed was driving too fast to react and tried slamming on his brakes, but he hit the deer. That was when everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Ruby heard the brakes screech and smelled burning rubber. She heard the violent crunch of metal as the car skidded in the gravel toward the ditch. She felt as if they were slowly floating through the air—and then, all at once, everything sped up, as Ruby heard the deafening grind of metal, and the car flipped on its side. Ruby’s head hit the windshield, and then there was nothing.
Reed woke to a coppery taste in his mouth and the smell of burnt rubber and antifreeze. His head ached with intense pain. It took about a second for him to remember what had happened. He looked down and found Ruby pinned underneath him. His car was flipped over on the passenger side. A surge of adrenaline pumped through his body as he lifted himself off Ruby and gently shook her.
Reed lifted her from the floorboard and held her in his arms. “Ruby, honey, wake up. Are you okay?” There was no movement from her. He screamed, “Ruby, baby, can you hear me? Please wake up, Ruby!” His hands shook as he felt for her pulse. Thank you, sweet Jesus! She’s alive!
People screamed from somewhere outside, from the sound, there must’ve been at least a dozen people at the scene. He heard sirens in the distance as people approached the car.
Brent yelled, “Reed, help is coming. We’re going to try and place the vehicle upright. Can you hold on to something?”
Reed braced himself with one arm so he wouldn’t fall on Ruby. With his other arm, he tried to secure her next to him, gently, so she wouldn’t hit the dash when the others flipped the car upright.
Brent hollered, “On the count of three: One! Two! Three!”
The car flipped upright and bounced like a buggy. Reed cradled Ruby in his arms.
Brent opened the driver’s side door and started to pull Reed out. Reed screamed, “Wait. I’m not leaving Ruby. Has anyone called an ambulance?”
 Reed glanced up to see the distraught look on Brent’s face when Brent first noticed Ruby. And then Brent fell backward, nearly falling. Ruby lay unconscious, almost lifeless in Reed’s arms.
Brent regained his balance by placing his hand on the roof of the car. His voice quivered, “Reed, I can see the ambulance lights now. The state trooper is here. Hey man, you’re bleeding pretty badly.”
Nearing the brink of hysteria, Reed cried, “Jesus, I don’t care about me. I care about her. I’m staying here with her.”
Someone handed Brent a couple of blankets, and his hands shook when he gave them to Reed. Brent said, “You need to place this one over Ruby and the other one around you. The paramedics are here.”
Equipped with two gurneys, one for Reed and the other for Ruby, the paramedics pulled Reed from the car. He begged, “Please get Ruby first. I’m okay. Get Ruby out of the car.” Reed was out of his mind with worry. He tried to punch one of the paramedics as they were pulling him from the wreckage. He screamed and cried out, “Ruby! I’m here, darling! I’m not leaving you, baby! I’m right here!”
 Ruby lay unconscious.

Excerpt from Anna’s Way book two of the Ditch Lane Diaries

Jerry was the first-person Anna saw when she walked into the Glenn’s house. He leaned against the stairwell with his arms crossed over his chest wearing a navy-blue suit and black shirt. Jerry’s eyes locked with Anna’s. The molecules in the air charged with electricity, kicking up a furor of fire flooding Anna with the warmth of his love.
Jerry’s face lit with a smile, and it felt like seeing the sun for the first time in years. Her pulse raced, and her fingertips tingled with power. Anna swiftly looked around the room and didn’t see any sign of Rachel.

Anna made a beeline to Jerry. “I need to talk to you, alone. I have no idea how because Rachel pops up everywhere. Will you please talk to me in private?”

Jerry leaned close to her ear and whispered, “When and where?”

Anna sighed with relief. That was all she needed to hear. “Sandy intends to feed Rachel cocktails and suggest she go outside to smoke. We might have a few minutes then, okay?” Jerry’s eyes turned a shade darker. He undressed her with his eyes, and she trembled, leaving her knees feeling weak. She grabbed onto his hand and held it tight. “I feel the same way about you.”

Anna noticed Rachel walking out of the kitchen. She quickly turned to Brent, who was talking to George and Lizzie. Anna placed her arm around Brent’s waist.

Brent smiled down at Anna and circled his arm around her waist. He whispered, “Are we playing a game?” Anna nodded.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Jerry tensed and his jaw muscles clenched. She looked down, and Jerry’s right hand balled up into a fist. Hot dog. Jerry’s jealous.

As the afternoon wore on, the neighbors and church folk began to leave until the only people left were the Glenn family and a few family friends, including Brent, Sandy, Jerry, Rachel, and Anna.

Sandy plied Rachel with cocktails all afternoon. Sandy winked and nodded to Anna when she led Rachel outside to the backyard. It was show-time. Anna whirled around the room and spotted Jerry near the front door watching her. Anna nodded, and he walked up the stairs. Anna glanced across the backyard once more and made a mad dash up the stairs. She made the top step and started down the hallway when Jerry opened Ruby’s old bedroom door and pulled her inside.

Anna threw her arms around his neck, and he circled her waist. Searching his eyes, she said, “I don’t need a man to complete me. I need love to complete me, and it’s the love I have for you that makes me whole. I’ve made a ton of mistakes, but there’s one thing I know for sure. You, Jerry Douglas McDaniel, are the love of my life.”

Jerry held her face with both hands. “All it took was one look into your eyes, and I knew I was still crazy for you, all of you, and I can’t go another minute without making you mine.”
Anna’s eyes widened with surprise. “What are you saying?”

Jerry brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek with the palm of his hand. “I didn’t sleep last night. All I could do was think about you, about us. I don’t have any proof, but I think Rachel may have deleted your messages and thrown away your letters. I didn’t think you loved me anymore, Anna. I can’t marry Rachel. God forgive me. I don’t mean to hurt Rachel, but I don’t love her. I love you. I always have.”

Jerry leaned in only inches from her face. The warmth of his sweet breath and the spicy scent of his cologne made it hard for her to breathe. His loving eyes searched hers, saying everything and nothing. Anna’s adrenaline kicked in high gear. The clarity she had at this moment was razor sharp.

An emotional force unleashed between them as Jerry’s warm lips made contact with hers, and they slammed against the wall. His lips were gentle and rough, alternating between kissing and sucking her top and bottom lips. His tongue licked the corners of her mouth, and he gently traced the outline of her lips before he plunged inside. His knee pushed between her thighs, and her heart skipped a beat
scooped her up in his arms, carried her over to Ruby’s bed, and lay her down. He traced his fingers along her jawline, down her neck to the swell of her breasts. Jerry pulled back slightly, looking at her as if she were a lost treasure he had just found. He covered her with a blanket of kisses and gently ran his hand over her breast and squeezed, and she stopped him.

“Jerry, we can’t do this, not here in the Glenn’s house. As bad as I want to make love to you right now, I can’t. I love and respect them.”

Jerry brushed his fingers over her cheek. “Anna, I’m sorry. The long and short of it is, I damn well near died when you left. But now I feel like my heart is going to explode with happiness. I don’t want to let you go.” Anna choked back her tears and reached up to run her fingers through his thick hair.

Jerry kissed her again. “I’m sorry, Anna. I should’ve never agreed to marry Rachel. It wasn’t fair to her or you. Will you forgive me? I know you may think I’m nuts, but let’s run away. I want you to run away with me. I’ve always wanted to marry you. Always. Will you run away with me?”

Anna kissed him hard and hugged him with all her strength. “In a Tennessee heartbeat, I will. I’m staying at Ruby’s. What time will you come for me?”

He rolled onto his side, propped on his elbow. “I’m not sure yet. It could be late. Will you wait for me? I promise I’ll be there. I have to tell Rachel, and it’s going to get real ugly.”

Anna couldn’t take her eyes off his face. “Yes, I’ll wait for you. I’ll be ready. If you like, I could go with you to talk to Rachel.”

Jerry pulled her on top of him and ran his hand down the curve of her spine. “Bad idea.
She’s jealous about everything, especially you. It’s my mess, and I’ll clean it up. I have to go. Rachel will be looking for me, and I don’t want to create a scene here. I love you, Annabelly.” They sat on the side of the bed. He hugged her again. “Is this real? Are you really here with me?”

She gently touched the side of his face. “I’m here.”

Jerry walked to the door. He cracked it open and paused before he strode back over, pulled her up into his arms, and kissed her one last time. “Damn, I missed you.” Then he left, leaving her standing next to the bed. Her heart hammered faster than a horse running the Kentucky Derby.

Anna pressed her fingers to her lips. She couldn’t believe it. Jerry was coming for her tonight. Anna stepped over to Ruby’s vanity, picked up a hairbrush, and began to brush her hair. She opened a tube of coral lipstick and applied it to her lips.

Anna went over to the door and peeked outside. She didn’t see anyone, so she quickly walked down the hall and into the bathroom.

Anna’s skin flushed pink. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what she had been doing. Anna began to breathe in and out slowly to settle her racing pulse. She looked around the drawers in the cabinets until she found Lee’s makeup case. Anna tried to make herself presentable before she went back downstairs.

Anna had waited for ten minutes before she descended the stairs. On the bottom step, Sandy grabbed her hand and dragged her outside. Anna followed Sandy around the back of the house. Sandy stopped and turned to face her.

Sandy threw her hands in the air in apparent frustration. “Have you lost your mind?

Excerpt from Sandy’s Story book three of the Ditch Lane Diaries

Luc’s Testament held the keys she needed to bring down his network in more places than Nashville. Sandy had enough ammunition to disrupt Luc’s empire on earth. She held the power in her hands. Sandy wrapped the large book with a black velvet cloth and secured it with a leather strap.
Sandy felt weighed down by Luc’s Testament as if she carried an enormous burden on her back while walking slowly to her Corvette. She placed the book in the back storage with her Ditch Lane Diaries master copy, then slid behind the wheel and cranked up the engine. A stern Baldric appeared in the passenger seat, arms crossed and jaw clenched.
“You can’t stay mad at me anymore. You’re right. Luc’s Testament has enormous power and contains everything we need to bring him down. Nailing Cole Steele will be a bonus. Before we head out to Everglade Farms, I need to stop at the library and make copies of the pages mentioning Cole. I’ll keep the original book with me.” Sandy grabbed Baldric by the face and kissed him on the mouth.
Flames of desire shot up her spine as the kiss lengthened, and she melted into Baldric’s strong arms. Sandy gazed at him through heavy lids, and a slow smile came to her lips. “You have sparkles floating in the air all around you. Golden sparkles. What is that?”
“Don’t ask or we won’t make it to the library or Everglade Farms, and I’m already in deep enough waters with Seneca.” Baldric held her hand and kissed her fingertips.
Sandy turned up her CD player and began to rock back and forth to the music from Electric Light Orchestra. She teased him and sang out the words, “You like me, you love me, you want some more of me.” She giggled and pulled out onto the highway.
“You’re some kind of woman.” He laughed.
“Yup, the kind that wants some.” Baldric’s response to her kiss made her heart flutter with excitement. It was the middle of February, and her palms were sweating.
Everglade was thirty miles south of Nashville. Driving down I-65, Sandy’s thoughts raced back to Luc’s Testament. She’d followed leads on Cole for months. Not a single solitary soul would even speak to her off the record. Everyone was scared to death of him. But with the book in her trunk, Sandy had all the answers she needed to nail Cole to the wall and couldn’t wait until her segment hit the airwaves.

About the Author:

After graduating Middle Tennessee State University, I landed a job as a broadcast consultant at the ABC Affiliate in Nashville, which led me to open an advertising agency. Over the years, I created many campaigns for my clients and still enjoy developing marketing materials.

However, in December of 2010, I became my parent's caregiver. There’s nothing quite like facing mortality to shake up one’s life. I began my writing my first novel in the late Fall of 2014.

Writing is a source of creative expression but also releases stress. I know many authors that would disagree with me. But writing takes me to a place where anything is possible, and fiction takes me to places made of dreams.

I’m happily married to the love of my life and my best friend, KJ. We have two gorgeous sons whom I love and adore more than life itself. I love to laugh, and my husband keeps me in stitches! I’m a fan of the Tennessee Titans. And I like getting my hands dirty. Okay, get your mind out of the gutter. I like working in my flower gardens.

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