
Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne Marshall by Shannon Kirk Book Tour, Review, and Giveaway

Book Description:

if you could choose your heaven now? Go on a celestial shopping trip of
sorts? Thirty-five-year-old Vivienne does just that, as she lies dying
in the ICU; a fatal walk into the path of a truck. In her final week of
life, Vivienne treks through the Heavens of a priest, a best friend, a
homeless child, and a lover who never was. Vivienne’s guardian angel,
Noah, who may just be her soul mate, escorts her through selections of
Heavens and through the confusion Vivienne experiences as she flounders
between a doubt of life and the certainty of death. Although her visits
to varied afterlives provide peace and beauty, choosing proves not so
easy: Vivienne’s love for her young son and her earthly father pull her
from her colorful journey—and from her divine love of Noah.

nature of love, the variety and magic of life, unending hope, and the
importance of saying goodbye are central to this uplifting tale.

Buy the Book:   Amazon ~ Barnes & Noble

Author's Bio:

Kirk is the awarding-winning author of the international bestselling
Method 15/33 (psychological thriller--bestseller in Colombia and Spain,
will be lead title in Italy, 2017) and Heavens (Literary Fiction).
Method 15/33 has received multiple accolades: 2015 Foreword Review Book
of the Year (Suspense); Winner of 2015 National Indie Excellence Award,
Best Suspense; 2015 USA Best Book Finalist; School Library Journal's
Best Adult Books for Teens (2015); and Finalist in 2013 William Faulkner
William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition (when a Novella). Method
15/33 is optioned for a major motion film and has sold to nineteen
foreign rights.

not writing, she is a practicing lawyer, residing on Massachusett's
Cape Ann with her husband and son and two cat writing accomplices,
Marvin Marquez (in honor of Gabriel Garcia Marquez) and Stewie Poe
(Edgar Allen Poe).

enjoys writing in several genres: literary fiction, psychological
thriller, young adult, and poetry. She has been honored three times by
the William Faulkner William Wisdom Creative Writing Competition. ​

Connect with the author: Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook


My review;

Wow!  "The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne Marshall" by author Shannon Kirk is a story of hope, love and heaven. I was not prepared for what I read although I hope that this is what is really  takes place. I have read other books about heaven but, I was captured by this one from the very first page. I had to keep reading until I finished, only stopping when I really had to. I really got the chills more than once while reading this. I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book for a review and all opinions are mine.

Giveaway:​ Prizes: ​ Win a copy of The Extraordinary Journey of Vivienne Marshall (10 print copies for USA & CAN) and (20 ebook copies for Int’l) 30 winners total Ends Feb 11

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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