
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Spooning Daisy by Maggie McConnell Blurb Litz and Giveaway

Spooning Daisy

by Maggie McConnell


GENRE: Contemporary romance (romantic comedy)



Her mango chutney is exquisite; her blueberry sauce to die for. But Chef de Cuisine Daisy Moon is a woman without a kitchen after a "bit of trouble" at her last job. Now blacklisted from Seattle to San Francisco, Daisy's sole job offer is from Wild Man Lodge in Otter Bite, Alaska, where the end of the road is just the beginning.


Max cocked his head at her. No siree, Bob. Daisy Moon was not easy. She was like a 1500 piece puzzle, where all the pieces are really tiny, and similar in shape and color, but are nonetheless different, and it would take weeks, maybe even months, just to get the edges put together.

"Don't look so surprised," she said. "I know I'm not exactly laid back. Okay, maybe that's being kind," she responded to Max’s smile. "But I'm an incredible cook. And a really good speller. Not to mention having a humongous vocabulary. I came in fourth in the national spelling bee championship when I was fourteen."

Without meaning to, Max pictured Daisy at fourteen, in a prim white blouse and a demure plaid skirt with her hair tied back in a ribbon, triumphantly spelling words like...concupiscence.

"Do I know what men want, or what?" Now Daisy herself.

Taking the cue, Max leaned into her and spoke sincerely, but resisted the urge to cup her hand.

"Somewhere there is a man who wants a pretty redhead who's difficult and a great cook with a really humongous vocabulary who can spell...and next time it won't be a cross-dressing felon.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Golden Heart nominee Maggie McConnell spent her childhood overseas as the daughter of US diplomats. Attending college in Illinois, she earned a BA in Art and an MBA while working at the local humane shelter. At 26, she packed her dog and cat into a Ford truck and drove the Alcan Highway to Alaska, where she spent 23 years exploring The Last Frontier in a single-engine Cessna. A vegan and animal rights advocate, Maggie provides a sanctuary on her Arizona ranch for all creatures great and small, but her immediate family includes dog Molly, cat Sara, horses Quinn and Teena, and an ever-growing dynasty of chipmunks. Every year, like the Gray Whale, Maggie returns to Alaska.

NOTE: Spooning Daisy will be on sale for 99 ¢ until January 2, 2017


Facebook Author Page:

Amazon Buy Link:

Barnes & Noble Buy Link:



Maggie McConnell will be awarding a Kate Spade necklace: enamel "forget-me-not" blue flowers (U.S. only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. May I be your 4th partner in shopping? Thanks for promoting Daisy!

  2. Thank you for the amazing giveaway, your book sounds great. thank you again

  3. Congrats on the new book and good luck on the book tour!

  4. Thank you to all your comments. Much appreciated. Maggie

  5. I enjoyed reading the excerpt and look forward to checking out this book!

  6. Was there anything that inspired the story?

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