
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Membrane by Michele Corriel Blog Tour, Excerpt and Giveaway

Michele Corriel
Genre: YA Scifi
Release Date: October 10th 2016
Leap Books

Summary from Goodreads:
In the multi-verse people may look familiar, but no one is who they seem.

In a small town in Montana, Sophie lives with her quantum physicist mother, and her equally brilliant, but dangerously obsessed, step-father.

Her father disappeared years ago under mysterious circumstances, but Sophie is still haunted by memories of him that seem so real she swears she feels his presence one night as she drifts off to sleep.

Realizing that somehow her missing father is trying to send her a message, Sophie decides to take a big risk.

With her friend, Eli, Sophie must discover what strange experiment her father did and understand the startling impact it has on her world and another, just across the membrane dividing the multi-verse.

Buy Link: Amazon

I let my fingertip trace the scar at the nape of my neck. Seven years ago, I’d woken up in my dad’s lab, my head throbbing.
“You fell,” he’d said, his hand brushing away my bangs. “Just a few stitches. You’re better than new.”
A week later he disappeared.
No one has seen him since.
I see Ted’s approaching reflection in the darkening glass and slide the journal behind my back. With a quick turn, I face the doorway where he towers. Ted: my mother’s new husband and father’s stand-in.
As if.

About the Author

Michele Corriel lives and works in Montana's scenic Gallatin Valley, surrounded by seven mountain ranges. 

Her work is as varied as the life she's led, from the rock/art venues of New York City to the rural back roads of the Rockies. With her fourth book just out from Leap Books, she's also a prolific freelance magazine writer with articles regionally, nationally and internationally. Michele has received a number of awards for her non-fiction as well as her poetry. She also enjoys teaching, presenting writing workshops and speaking on panels across the country.

When she's not writing you may find her on the golf course, hiking or slogging her way through the snow on what some people like to refer to as "skis." You might also find her in the kitchen creating exciting new flavors or recreating classics.

Author Links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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1 comment:

  1. I believe my sister would really enjoy this book. Thanks for the opportunity to win for her.
