
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Ask Me Again & Run Away Charlotte by H. M. Shander Charity Blog Tour

For the first two weeks of November, all PROFITS from the sales of ASK ME AGAIN are being donated to SAIF - Stop Abuse in Families - Society. (  

This not-for-profit organization provides services and counselling to its clients (and families) who are experiencing abuse. They also have support groups, and have partnered with schools and community groups to provide education and prevention. Locally run and operated, they are an organization near and dear to H.M.'s heart.

The Courting of Charlotte Cooper #2
H.M. Shander

After years of feeling alone and unwanted in her unhappy marriage, Charlotte longs for a time when she was happy and truly loved. When her world is turned upside down by a broken water main, the true loneliness of her life becomes overbearing.

When Andrew shows up on her doorstep as Project Manager in charge of repairing her home, Charlotte’s heart come alive after years of it slowly tapping along.

It’s been more than 13 years since they broke up, she’s married and he’s engaged, but that doesn’t mean the past is forgotten. The more time they spend together repairing the house, the harder it becomes to resist their intoxicating chemistry.


Start the Series from the Beginning

The Courting of Charlotte Cooper #1
H.M. Shander

Trusting and depending on others has never suited nineteen-year-old Charlotte Cooper, who believes she’s unworthy of a happily ever after. She’s fiercely loyal to one - her BFF Joe. Afterall, Joe’s the only one who knows everything about Charlotte and he’s sworn to protect her heart, and her deep dark secrets.

Until Andrew Wagner walks into her life.

Despite his attempts to court Charlotte, she pushes him away, believing he can’t handle her past shadows. After a horrible accident, she slowly learns to trust and depend on him. As she shares her darkest secrets, he falls in love with her. Several incidents thrust the young lovers together, and Charlotte falls hard, giving her whole being to Andrew. While trying to be everything he can for Charlotte, he struggles to find the balance between family, school, love and commitment.

However, their different definitions of love and what it means to love unconditionally come to a head after Andrew spends a summer abroad and Charlotte crosses a line. His reaction sends a devastated Charlotte into the arms of Jack, an older man who can successfully balance what Andrew failed to do. He puts Charlotte first, treating her like a princess while capitalizing on her vulnerability. He gives her everything her heart desires… except Andrew.

When it comes to matters of the heart and mind, which direction do you follow? Love or Logic?

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I have been writing since I was fourteen – I’m not going to tell you how many years that’s been (haha) but it’s a few. (wink wink) My original stories were handwritten on loose-leaf paper tied together with yarn, and each story has its own custom cover courtesy of whatever magazine I had around. I’d cut out the main character and tape her onto the cover, and decorate around her with the title and other pictures. Oh, the days before photoshop and awesome cover designers… Anyways. I developed a deep love of romance books, as I always loved it when the heroine overcame the odds to get the man of her dreams.

That early love has developed into a passion – I continue to write contemporary romance novels. Now, as an adult who has experienced reality (not like my wildly naïve fourteen-year-old self) my characters still overcome those tough odds, but their obstacles are also very real, and sometimes very dark. However, the rewards are even sweeter.

My heroes who are swoon-worthy and handsome and gentle, who have their own issues. No domineering alpha-males from me – I’ll leave those to many other wonderful authors I know and adore. My heroines are those women who are less than perfect, with a very select few she’ll call friends. She is neither popular nor outgoing but deeply loved by those lucky enough to know her.

Right now I am hard at work on a sequel to Duly Noted as well as a second-chance romance story. I’m also tinkering on a novella which follows after Ask Me Again as many emails have come in from readers saying they hope for more from Charlotte and Company.

It’s because of wonderful readers that I continue to write and develop my stories. I absolutely adore it when fans connect with me on twitter (@HM_Shander) because I’m very chatty on there, more so than my Facebook page (hmshander). Regardless of the way you contact me, I’m sure to respond.


  1. Hi and thanks for being part of this Charity Blog Tour. I truly appreciate it.

    I hope your readers take a chance on me, and fall in love with Cat & Drew. Did they know they can read the first 15% free and see if they'd love to continue on with their purchase? If anyone has any questions, I'm always available to answer.

    Have a great day everybody!
    H.M. Shander

  2. Thank you for hosting ASK ME AGAIN AND RUN AWAY CHARLOTTE today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours
