
Monday, October 17, 2016

Mistletoe Cottage by Debbie Mason Virtual Tour. Excerpt and Giveaway


'Tis the season for love . . .

Harmony Harbor #1
Debbie Mason
Releasing Oct 25th, 2016

'Tis the season for love . . .

Sophie DiRossi loved growing up in Harmony Harbor. But after fleeing in disgrace many years ago, it is the last place she wants to be. Left homeless by a fire, she's forced to go back to the small coastal town that harbors a million secrets, including her own. Sophie sees this secret reflected every day in her daughter's blue eyes-and she must keep it hidden from the only man she has ever loved.

Sophie's return is a shock for everyone . . . especially Liam Gallagher. The firefighter had some serious feelings for Sophie-and seeing her again sparks a desire so fierce it takes his breath away. Now Liam will do whatever it takes to show Sophie that they deserve a second chance at love, even if everything they've concealed threatens to keep them apart. In this special town at this special time of the year, Sophie and Liam can only hope for a little holiday magic . . .



Liam lifted his phone and took a picture of Sophie and Mia twirling under a shower of red and yellow leaves that were substituting for snow. Sophie sang “Let it Go” with Mia mouthing the words.

He held up the bag from Jolly Rogers when they took their bows. “Okay, Elsa and Anna, it’s time to go. I’m starved.”

If he didn’t have to take care of the repairs at the apartment before his shift, he’d be happy to watch them play make believe for however long they wanted. He loved seeing this side of Sophie. Loved hearing her laugh, watching her face light up when she looked at her daughter. But what was supposed to be a ten-minute walk through the woods to the cottage had already taken an hour.

Kristoff sounds grumpy, Anna. Should we take him to the cottage and feed him, or make him sing for us first?”

Mia spread her arms wide and tipped her head back.

Sorry, Kristoff. Looks like you’re singing for your lunch.”

He shook his head with a laugh, then belted out a couple choruses of the song. By now, he knew the words. He should since Sophie had been singing the song for the better part of twenty minutes. Mia clapped and ran to hug his legs.

Be still my heart,” Sophie said, patting her chest. Then she hugged him too. “Thank you.”

For what?” he asked her when Mia let him go to skip along the path.

For being you.”

He took her hand, reminding himself he didn’t do serious. But like the last six times he’d told himself that in the past hour, it wasn’t really working.

Especially when Sophie smiled at him like she was now. “In case you can’t tell, we’re having fun.”

He lifted their joined hands to her face and traced her lips with his thumb. “I got that. I’m glad. It’s nice to see you happy. Both of you.”

She glanced at Mia who’d crouched on the path to collect rocks. “You’re great with her, you know. I should have thought of telling her to mouth words.”

Forest for the trees, Soph. Sometimes it’s hard to see what’s right in front of you. Cut yourself some slack. You’ve had a lot to deal with.”

What about you? All we ever do is talk about me.” She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “How are you doing, Liam?”

I’m good. Why?”

Um . . . shot in the line of duty ring a bell? I heard what happened, Liam.”

Of course you did. It’s Harmony Harbor.” He glanced at her, smiled. “I’m getting there. You don’t have to worry about me.”

Debbie Mason is the bestselling author of the Christmas, Colorado series and Harmony Harbor series. Her books have been praised for their "likable characters, clever dialogue and juicy plots" (RT Book Reviews). She also writes historical paranormals as Debbie Mazzuca. Her MacLeod series has received several nominations for best paranormal as well as a Holt Medallion Award of Merit. When she isn't writing or reading, Debbie enjoys spending time with her very own real-life hero, their three wonderful children, two adorable grandbabies, and a yappy Yorkie named Bella.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting MISTLETOE COTTAGE today!

    Crystal, Tasty Book Tours
