
Monday, October 31, 2016

Dark One's Mistress by Aldrea Alien Blog Tour and Giveaway

Dark One's Mistress

Genre: NA Gothic Romance

Release Date: October 31st 2016

Thardrandian Publications

Summary from Goodreads:

For centuries, the people have lived under the protection of their so-called Dark Lord. Now, with news of his death reaching the quiet village of Everdark, rumour whispers that his son, Lucias, is hunting for a mistress to beget him an heir.

Clara doesn't put much stock in village gossip, until she finds herself forcibly taken to the Lord's fortress. Escape is not easy. She has no way out and, against a man with magic, little chance of fighting back. But the Lords are still men and the death of Lucias' father is proof that they die just the same. And yet, if Lucias dies heirless, his army will be free to terrorise the land.

Such is the goal of Lenora of Ne'ermore, an old enemy and ex-prisoner of the kingdom. She is sending a man to slaughter Lucias and, to ensure there's no chance of an heir, his mistress must die as well.

Caught between regaining her freedom or losing it for the good of the kingdom, Clara struggles to decide her path before certain death breaches the gates.

Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK

About the Author

Mother. Animal lover. Vampire. Fangirl.

Aldrea Alien is a New Zealand author of romantic speculative fiction of varying heat levels.

She grew up on a small farm out the back blocks of a place known as Wainuiomata alongside a menagerie of animals, who are all convinced they're just as human as the next person (especially the cats). She spent a great deal of her childhood riding horses, whilst the rest of her time was consumed with reading every fantasy book she could get her hands on and concocting ideas about a little planet known as Thardrandia. This would prove to be the start of The Rogue King Saga as, come her twelfth year, she discovered there was a book inside her.

Aldrea now lives in Upper Hutt, on yet another small farm with a less hectic, but still egotistical, group of animals (cats will be cats). She still hasn't yet found an off switch to give her an ounce of peace from the characters plaguing her mind, a list that grows bigger every year with all of them clamouring for her to tell their story first. It's a lot of people for one head.

Author Links:



a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love anything with romance! Sounds like a great read!

  2. Congrats on the tour, the book looks great and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. Thanks for informing me of this book, congrats on the tour!

  4. Congratulations on your tour.Sounds like a great read.

  5. Congratulations on your tour.Sounds like a great read.

  6. This book look intriguing. There are not a lot of gothic romance novels out there.

  7. Sure sounds like a good read to me.

  8. Oh this sounds like such a good book! I cant wait to read and see what Clara decides and what happens in the end!
