
Sunday, October 9, 2016

A Vampire's Honor by Carla Susan Smith Book Tour


Inside the Book:

Title: A Vampire's Honor
Author: Carla Susan Smith
Release Date: September 27, 2016
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Genre: Fantasy
Format: Ebook/Paperback

Sins Of The Past ...

Rowan Harper thought being with a vampire would keep her out of harm's way. But true evil lurks in the darkness, and not even her lover, Gabriel, knows all of its tricks.

Rowan may be his Promise, the one woman who can save Gabriel's soul, but the two of them have a long and complicated history that Rowan is only now discovering--complete with old enemies who will stop at nothing to make them suffer.

When Rowan is abducted and forced to witness unspeakable violence, secrets of the past begin to unfold. Secrets that show Gabriel's best friend Aleksei in a new light.

Will the truth destroy all three of them or bind them more tightly together, and if evil prevails, will it be Rowans's soul that ultimately needs saving?


Meet the Author:

Born and raised in England, I now call South Carolina home where I  live with my wonderfully supportive husband, awesome son, and the most discerning canine critique group ever - if tails aren’t wagging then the story isn’t working!

I owe my love of literature to my mother, who, after catching me  reading by flashlight beneath the bed covers, calmly replaced the romance book I’d ‘borrowed’ with one that was far less risqué, and much more appropriate for a pre-teen! She encouraged me to include a wide variety of genres in my reading tastes, but romance, and  paranormal romance in particular, has remained my first love.

I never really thought about writing a romance novel until I read one that was so bad I can only assume it got published by mistake! Making such a comment to my BFF, Sharon, she challenged me to do better. The result was a 250-thousand word epic that I affectionately refer to as my ‘bodice-ripper’ romance - and yes, I still have it!

When I’m not writing I can be found in my kitchen. I love baking, and my husband will actually admit his love of Christmas fruitcake. (Personally I think all that brandy in the fruit has something to do with it!) If not baking then I’m working on my latest tapestry project or  playing catch-up with my reading list where I always seem to be at least three books behind!

It’s a crazy-good life, and I wouldn’t change it for anything, although I wouldn‘t object if I came up with the winning lottery numbers!

Visit her at


Tour Schedule

 Tuesday, September 27 - Book featured at Books,Dreams, Life
Wednesday, September 28 - Book featured at Bound 2 Escape
Thursday, September 29 - Book featured at Celticlady's Reviews
Friday, September 30 -Book featured at 3 Partners in Shopping
Monday, October 3 - Book featured at The Book Tree
Tuesday, October 4 - Book featured at I'm Shelf-ish
Wednesday, October 5 - Book featured at The Literary Nook
Thursday, October 6 - Book featured at Mello and June
Friday, October 7 - Book featured at The Review From Here
Monday, October 10 - Book featured at A Title Wave
Tuesday, October 11 - Book featured at Harmonious Publicity
Wednesday, October 12 - Book featured at The Dark Phantom
Thursday, October 13 - Book featured at Write and Take Flight
Friday, October 14 - Book featured at Authors and Readers Book Corner
Monday, October 17 - Book featured at Confessions of an Eccentric Bookaholic
Tuesday, October 18 -Interviewed at Deal Sharing Aunt
Wednesday, October 19 - Book featured at Fundinmental
Book reviewed at I Smell Sheep
Thursday, October 20 -Book featured at The Bookworm Lodge
Friday, October 21 - Book featured at Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews

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