
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Summerlypse by Gerardo Delgadillo Giveaway



Genre: YA Contemporary (adventure/romance)

Release date: June 20th 2016

Summary from Goodreads:

After his crush rejects him, seventeen-year-old Colton catches a plane to Mexico, hoping to forget all about girls. But a night out at a dance club crowded with long legs in miniskirts doesn't help, especially when he meets the club's beautiful DJ, Alex.

In awe of her mixing skills, Colton finds it hard to believe Alex is deaf. As they bond, she asks him to help her win a DJ contest behind her rich, estranged father's back.

Colton's not a wimp or anything, but millionaires with armed bodyguards are 
not his ideal vacation buddies. The only problem—if he helps her, he may fly back home in a body bag.

Buy Links (ON SALE FOR $0.99 FROM AUGUST 8-14!):


Packed with unexpected twists and South-of-the-Border danger, Summerlypse grabbed my attention from the first enticing page. With a quirky writing style that offers both depth and entertainment, Summerlypse is an original, diverse story that will delight anyone looking for a unique spin on teen relationships.” –Anna L. Davis, Author of Open Source(Enhancement Series)

"SUMMERLYPSE by Gerardo Delgadillo is a great young adult story about two unlikely friends who team up hoping to win a summer DJ contest in Mexico. This book has a well-defined cast of complex characters with a thoughtful focus on the hearing-impaired. An entertaining read!" ~ K.S. Jones, award-winning author of 
Shadow of the Hawk

"SUMMERLYPSE is a great read.  The characters are real and well crafted, and the story kept me interested to the end.  I liked it. I recommend it." -- Rickard B DeMille, author ofTweet Revenge, Hellfire, Defending Daniel

About the Author
Gerardo Delgadillo lives in the Dallas metropolitan area with his wife and children and dogs and cats and the occasional rabbit. Originally from San Francisco and raised in Mexico, he loves to write about contemporary teens in distress in English and Español. So no magic, dragons, or unicorns.

Gerardo's fun facts:
- At the tender age of sixteen, when giant lizards ruled the world, Gerardo was a DJ--turntables and all.
- Cloud computing is his area of expertise--just don't ask him what cloud computing means. 

- He loves football, the one played with the feet by footballers, La Liga from Spain being the best.

About his novels: 

- His writing must be emotional, or else… 

- He believes in the Oxford comma, but the Oxford comma doesn't believe in him. 

- Loves first person present tense POV.

Author Links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd love to read this! Sounds great!

  2. This book sounds great due to its unexpected twists :)

  3. Looks like an interesting book ;)

  4. Thank you for informing me about this book.

  5. Sounds action-packed. Grats on the advanced praise!

  6. Interesting that being deaf can still DJ.

  7. I put in the wrong Tweet URL. I'm sorry. Here is the right one:
    Sherry Compton

  8. It sounds really interesting :) Thanks for sharing.
