
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Song of the Oceanides by J. G. Zymbalist Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Song of the Oceanides

by J.G. Zymbalist


GENRE: YA Fantasy



Song of the Oceanides is a highly-experimental triple narrative transgenre fantasy that combines elements of historical fiction, YA, myth and fairy tale, science fiction, paranormal romance, and more.  For ages 10-110.


EXCERPTS (Please choose only ONE to use with your post):

Excerpt One:

Blue Hill, Maine.

3 August, 1903.

From the moment Emmylou heard the song of the Oceanides, she recognized something godly in the tune. As it resounded all across the desolate shoreline of Blue Hill Bay, she recalled the terrible chorus mysticus ringing all throughout that extinct Martian volcano the day her father went missing down in the magma chamber.

Aunt Belphœbe followed along, guiding Maygene through the sands. “Why don’t you go play in that shipwreck over there?” Aunt Belphœbe pointed toward a fishing schooner run aground some fifty yards to the south.

When Maygene raced off, Emmylou refused to follow. By now the chorus of song tormented her so much that an ache had awoken all throughout her clubfoot. Before long she dropped her walking stick and fell to the earth. Closing her eyes, she dug both her hands into the sands and lost herself in memories of the volcano. How could Father be gone? Though he had often alluded to the perils of Martian vulcanology, she never imagined that someone so good and so wise could go missing.

The song of the Oceanides grew a little bit louder and increasingly dissonant.

Opening her eyes, Emmylou listened very closely. The song sounded like the stuff of incantation, witchcraft. And even though she could not comprehend every word, nevertheless she felt certain that the Oceanides meant to cast a spell upon some unfortunate soul.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

J.G. Źymbalist began writing Song of the Oceanides as a child when his family summered in Castine, Maine where they rented out Robert Lowell’s house.

The author returned to the piece while working for the Martha’s Vineyard Historical Society, May-September, 2005. He completed the full draft in Ellsworth, Maine later that year.

For more information, please see

NOTE: The book is on sale for $0.99. Free for Kindle Unlimited Members or as part of Kindle MatchBook.




One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for sharing this interesting excerpt!

  2. What draws you to this genre?

    1. Great question, Becky. What I love about steampunk, is that I get a chance to describe the freaky technologies and gadgets of that remarkable era without having to justify why. In addition, once you set your story, no matter what it is, at the turn of the century, the story can't help but be interesting and alluring and quirky--at least on some level. This is because the steampunk era was a time like no other in history. It was a time of scientific knowledge but a time too when people still wondered if there might be magic in this troubled world of ours.

  3. Congrats on the tour and thanks for the excerpt, I enjoyed reading it :)

    1. Thank you, Lisa. And please say hello to Betty Boop for me. I have always loved her.

  4. Thank you to 3 Partners in Shopping for hosting! Please know too that the ebook is now free and available in kindle, apple, and nook formats.

  5. Wow, cannot believe it is Thursday already. Flying by for me. Have a great day and thanks again for the chance to win

  6. Really great excerpt, thanks for sharing.

    1. My pleasure. I love being a small humble part of a really cool blog.

  7. I am a newcomer and I am so excited about this site. Thank you for sahring.

  8. Who are some of your favorite authors; what strikes you about their work?

    1. Peggy, wow, let me think. For me the greatest of modern times will always be Ray Bradbury. What I loved about Something Wicked This Way Comes was the way in which every single chapter was a discernible sensual scene. At the end of the book, he adds a note explaining how easy it would be to turn the book into a screenplay. I don't know. I just like that way of storytelling--dramatizing every key scene and letting that be the book, rather than relying too much on narrative voice.
      I know this might sound crazy and offensive, but I also feel that way about the notorious Anais Nin. Every short story is a vignette or well-dramatized, sensual scene. She plunges you immediately into the tale, and I like that.

  9. I did enjoy reading this excerpt. Thank you for sharing it with us and I hope you have a safe and happy weekend! :)

  10. Do you prefer paper or digital books?

    1. Cool question, Becky. I suppose I'm partial to digital books only because I worry so much about the environment and trees and our whole fragile blue-ocean planet. The anxiety is probably a bit exaggerated, but even so, I do regard trees as sacred. Perhaps in an earlier life, I was a druid. Who knows?

  11. Happy Friday! Thank you for the giveaway and chance at winning

  12. Replies
    1. A word of warning though: Book One is quite atmospheric and deals with the emotional growth of the characters. If it feels too slow, just skip ahead to Book Two. That part behaves much more like a narrative.

  13. Thank you for the chance to win :)

  14. Wishing everyone an awesome Saturday. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Thank you for this amazing giveaway!!! the book sounds great, and I love the cover. Have a great weekend

    1. Thank you, Cyndi. Oh, and the cover is a painting, "Noon" by Goran Petmil. A very great American artist.

  16. Good Sunday Morning! Thanks once again for the opportunity to win and enjoy your day!

    1. Sunday: a time to rest, to rejuvenate, and to do the New York Times crossword. Enjoy your day, James.

  17. I just love the book cover, it’s amazing!

    1. Dario, thank you. I had to choose that painting because it really captures the emotion and tone of the book, which is atmospheric and really really emotional. Anyway if you google the artist's name, Goran Petmil, you'll see he does many remarkable seascapes.

    2. Oh, Goran is from my part of the world (ex Yugoslavia)! :)

  18. Good Monday Morning, have a great day and thanks for the opportunity you have given us to win

    1. Good morning, James. Good luck to everyone on a new hopefully-not-too-stressful week.

  19. Thanks so much for the terrific giveaway and al the work you have put into bringing it to us

    1. Goddess Fish is the best in the business at doing these kinds of things, and I'm so happy to be a humble wee little part of it.

  20. I'm back saying thank you for the chance at winning this great giveaway

  21. A bright good morning to you! I really appreciate you offering us this giveaway. Thanks and have an awesome day!

  22. Hello! Stopping by and thanking you for the giveaway. Have yourself one terrific day!

    1. Absolutely. The weekend is here, and life is good.

  23. Good Morning! Have a great weekend and thanks once again for a great giveaway

    1. Howdy, James. Goddess Fish is the coolest, mellowest, friendliest blog tour in the world. I'm so happy.

  24. Good Sunday Morning to you and thankig you once again for the opportunity you've given us to win.

    1. Thank you, James. Have a good restful Sunday everyone; that's what the Creator wants after all.

  25. Hope you had an awesome weekend. Let's keep it positive as we start the week by saying it's gonna be a great one for all.. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Absolutely. Monday is here, and it's time to get back to work and get stuff done. Be of good cheer, everyone.

  26. Thanks for the chance at winning, you're awesome! Enjoy your day and have fun!

    1. Nothing is more awesome than rafflecopter. Have a good day all.

  27. Good morning and thank you for brimging us this great giveaway

  28. I'm back and hoping you're not getting tired of hearing from me. I DO appreciate the opportunity to win this giveaway, Thank You!

    1. Cheers! I never get tired of blogging and posting and chatting and greeting. I love to meet and greet and schmooze and such.

  29. It's Friday! We made it through another day and looking forward to the weekend. Have a great day and thanks for the giveaway

    1. I'm so glad the weekend is here. This weekend I plan to rest. The only stressful thing I'm going to do is go to Bed, Bath and Beyond with my mom. Nothing more.

  30. Wishing everyone a great weekend with lots of fun. Thanks for the giveaway as well.

  31. Everyone have a terrific Sunday and thank you for this giveaway

    1. The greatest thing about Sunday (unless you go to church) is the joy of doing the New York Times crossword. I recommend it to everyone.

  32. Hey! Hope you have a good Monday and thank you for the chance at winning.

    1. Hey James. Nice to hear from you. Mondays can be so daunting.

  33. Have a Happy Tuesday and thank you for the opportunity at winning!

  34. Happy Hump Day! Time is flying by but wanting to say thank you for the giveaway

    1. Hello, James. Time is flying indeed. We're nearing the end of this whole Goddess Fish tour, and I'm so sad. Still I want to do this again. Goddess Fish is the best; they always find the coolest blogs.

  35. Good Morning! I am back to say thank you once again for the chance to win.

    1. Good morning to you! It's so oppressively humid this time of year. Thank god for books and blogs. If you can manage, I'm telling everyone to just stay inside and read. I think that's the best way to get through the month of August.

  36. It's that day so many of us look forward to...Friday! Have a good one and thank you for the chance at winning

    1. Absolutely. Have a good spiritually-gratifying weekend, everyone.

  37. I will be working all weekend but wishing you all a terrific one. Thanks once again for the great giveaway

  38. Thanks so much for all the work you put into bringing us such great giveaways. Have an awesome Sunday and Thank You!

  39. Happy Monday and thank you once again for a terrific giveaway.

    1. Cheers. Wow, this is my last week of blog touring with Goddess Fish. The whole experience has been really cool.

  40. Rainy morning here in Michigan. Hope your day is bright and sunny! Thanks again for a great giveaway

    1. Cheers, James. Wow, Thursday is my last day with Goddess Fish. All in all, I think the tour has been quite successful. I'm so happy.

  41. Happy Wednesday! Thanks so much for the terrific giveaway and all the work put into bringing it to us. Not sure if you all are appreciated as you should be because from what I read, it is very time consuming and a lot of work put into doing this for us. Thank you so much!

  42. Very true what you say, James. I'm very grateful for all the bloggers and Goddess Fish of course. It's a great feeling just to be a small part of all these really cool websites. What a lovely experience it has been. Thank you all!

  43. Have a great day and thank you for the great giveaway

    1. Greetings, James. Wow my last official day blog-touring with Goddess Fish.

  44. Happy Friday and stopping by to say thank you for giving us this opportunity to win
