
Friday, July 22, 2016

Loreena's Gift by Colleen M. Story Book Tour Book Review and Giveaway

Book Description:


Picket thinks she knows herself. A blind young woman who lives with her
uncle, a reverend at a small-town church, she's a dutiful niece and
talented pianist for the congregation.

But they're both hiding a terrible secret. Loreena can kill people with the touch of her hand.

her uncle sees her as an angel of mercy, helping usher the terminally
ill members of his flock into the afterlife, Loreena has her doubts.

between doing her uncle's bidding and the allure of the fleeting
moments when her eyesight returns on the journey to the other side,
Loreena cooperates with her uncle until her troubled older brother
returns to town. When she reveals her power by saving him from a local
drug dealer, she is drawn into a sinister and dangerous world that will
test the true nature of her talent and force her to consider how far she
is willing to go to survive.

exciting debut that crosses fantasy and literary fiction, Loreena's
Gift is a thought-provoking meditation on life and death and what
ultimately lies beyond this world.
Buy the Book:  Amazon  ~  Barnes & Noble  ~  Book Depository  ~  Chapters Indigo

Author's Bio:

M. Story writes imaginative fiction and is also a freelance writer,
instructor, and motivational speaker specializing in creativity,
productivity, and personal wellness. Her latest novel, "Loreena’s Gift,"
was released with Dzanc Books April 12 2016. Her fantasy novel, "Rise
of the Sidenah," is a North American Book Awards winner, and New Apple
Book Awards Official Selection (Young Adult). She is the founder of
Writing and Wellness ( a motivational site for writers and other creatives.

Connect with the author:  Website  ~ Twitter  

Prizes: ​ Win a signed copy of Loreena’s Gift. One winner will also get a $15 Amazon GC (Open int’l) :

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Trailer:

Tour Schedule:

July 18 - Cheryl's Book Nook - review / author interview / giveaway
July 18 - Bound 4 Escape - review
July 19 - Writing Pearls - review
July 19 - Jayne's Books - review
July 20 - Young In Rome - review
July 20 - And the Buck Starts Here - review
July 21 - Writers and Authors - book spotlight / guest post
July 22 - Corinne Rodrigues - review
July 25 - A Bookaholic Blog - review
July 25 - Nighttime Reading Center - review / author interview / giveaway
July 26 - JBronder Book Reviews - review / guest post
July 27 - T's Stuff - review / guest post / giveaway
July 28 - Sahar's Blog - review
​July 29 - Life as Leels - review
July 29 - The Autistic Gamer - review
Aug 1 -    Bookishly Devoted - review
Aug 1 -    Olio By Marilyn - review / author interview
Aug 2 -    Heidi's Wanderings - review / giveaway
Aug 2 -    Bookaholic Banter  - review / author interview / giveaway
Aug 3 -    Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers - review
Aug 4 -    bookmyopia - review / giveaway
Aug 5 -    Svetlana's Reads and Views - review
Aug 5 -    Jessica Cassidy - review / author interview / giveaway
  My review;

"Loreena's Gift" by Colleen M. Story  is the kind of book that makes you think. It takes your imagination and grabs it and doesn't let go until the last page. As I was reading it I was able to feel that  I was right there watching this story. Loreena Picket is a young person who is blind and has a huge secret. Her uncle who she lives with know what her secret is. If she touches people they will die. She really does not want to do what her uncle wants her to  but she really has no choice. When her brother shows up everything is revealed and it brings many more problems with it. What is going to happen to her? What is going to happen to her family? I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for a review and all opinions a re mine.


  1. I want to read this story because it sounds a little mysterious and intriguing!

  2. I would love to read this book because based on the description, it is a book that will get me thinking.

  3. I want to win this book because I love trying new authors.

  4. Thanks for having me on your blog, Debra! :O) Good luck to all the giveaway entries.

  5. Why do I want to win you ask? Well, first let me say I am a avid reader, I love many Genre's and am always on the hunt for the next best book I have ever read. I want to sink my brain deep into a book, and get lost. I do not buy paper backs any more, but love to collect them, and read them, feel them, miss them, and smell them. Ok ya that may make me sound creepy, but i love the feel of a paper back in my hands, I use a kindle because it is easy and always have a book library with me, but I love a paper back, and I would love to have this one, and love it too. thank you for the giveaway

  6. I want to win because this book sounds interesting

  7. I think the book sounds truly touching. This is why I love a book of this nature.
