
Monday, July 25, 2016

Her Legacy by Teresa Crumpton Review and Excerpt Tour and Giveaway

Title: Her Legacy

Series: Foster House Legacy #1

Author: Teresa Crumpton

Genre: Suspense

Release Date: July 26, 2016

Length: 99k words

Format: Digital

Digital ISBN: 978-0-692-74841-1

Cover Artist: Danielle Barclay of Barclay Creative


The Foster House

The house is important, and so are you, hexe. The ancient ones foretold this. Yet, we’re still not sure. But we won’t kill you. We have killed before, those that didn’t have the blood. Your ancestors want to protect you; they need to. Blood is the key. He wants your blood.

Peace and harmony must be restored.

A house’s thirst for blood and a family secret are revealed when Alexis, a young empathetic law student, inherits her family’s long forgotten estate, The Foster House.

An empathetic law student is the key.

When Alexis moves in to The Foster House, she is surrounded by ghosts and a mysterious history. A history that is her legacy. But it’s not just the house she needs to worry about. An evil entity has enlisted the help of an ex-special ops Captain, Brenton Young, to manipulate Alexis’s life for his own dark purposes.

A family legacy will be revealed.

As the FBI, NSA, and local police close in on Brenton Young, Alexis enlists the help of her boss and secret crush, District Attorney, Josh Hampton. Together, can they solve the mysteries of the house and discover what her true legacy really is or will the answers they find lead to more questions & mysteries?

Available from: Amazon

Follow the tour and enter to win!

About Teresa Crumpton:Teresa Crumpton writes dark supernatural thrillers along with poetry, non-fiction and short stories. She started writing when she was young, never thinking one day she'd turn her passion into a career. She started writing her novel in eight-grade, though it's changed over the years. Teresa’s first novel, Her Legacy, is a haunting ghost story with a little rumored family history within the pages.

Teresa obtained two degrees, Government with an Emphasis in Legal Studies, and English Lit, hoping to get into law school. In 2004 she married the man of her dreams. As they moved around the country her dreams changed. She once again went back to school, this time obtaining a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and her writing became not only her passion, but also the fulfilment of a promise to her father before he passed.

Teresa Crumpton grew up in Cincinnati and Dallas/Ft. Worth, making her a hybrid midwest and southern girl. She has five siblings (all half or step), which always made for a boisterous Christmas while traveling.Visit her online at: Website Facebook | Twitter Pinterest

Excerpt One:

Tucker placed his open hand on Alexis’s. His contact blocked out all emotions in the room but his, and his were a jumbled mess she didn’t want to deal with.

I saw in the paper that Woody passed. I’m sorry, love. Is there anything you need? I don’t have any tests for a few weeks so I’m here if you need me.” He squeezed her hand.

He wiggled his brow. Alexis tapped a finger against her mug.

Tucker, what are you playing at?” Zak, obviously tired of the game, bristled, and his eyebrows knitted together.

Tucker’s increased tenderness, while flattering, didn’t negate the broken heart he’d given her years ago. No way am I falling for that boyish charm, catcher’s ass, or soft, full lips again. I might be crazy at times, might flirt with my boss, but I’m not stupid. That smart, rich boy is still dangerous, and no way would Tucker stay faithful while attending medical school, even if it is Harvard.

With wide eyes and furrowed brows he stared at Zak, whose face had flushed. “Not playing, Zak.” Tucker’s hand disentangled from hers and cupped her check.

His caress forced Alexis to make eye contact. Thank God he could buffer emotions, or she’d be on the floor.

Anything you need, love.”

His expression said it all. She believed his sincerity as he pushed aside his arrogance. He had been her first love, as she had been his. For some strange reason, it bonded them in a way that kept them close.

Flipping scary is what it is.

Thanks, Tuck. I’ll let you know.” She took his hand from her face, squeezed it, and let go. “So trolling my side of town last night?” Alexis asked straight faced.

Coffee spewed across the table. Zak wiped his mouth while apologizing. Alexis laughed and immediately wished she hadn’t as laughter morphed into hyperventilation. Before she knew what happened, she was on the floor trying to suck in air.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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