
Friday, June 24, 2016

Token Huntress Book One by Kia Carrington-Russell Book Tour and Giveaway

Token Huntress

Book One

Kia Carrington-Russell

Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Dystopian/ Action

Publisher: Crystal Publishing

Date of Publication: March 18th 2015

ISBN: 978-0994299901


Number of pages: 222

Word Count: 91233

Cover Artist: Ynne Black

Book Description:

The sun’s light dimmed many centuries before; now in the year of 2,341 rampant vampires now stalk their victims in a half-lit world. Humanity has been overtaken by a new society: one comprised of vampires, the supernatural beings that hunt them, and the remaining humans they fight over. The laws and rules that once bound our world have long since been lost. Now, the Hunter Guild struggle to stay one step ahead of the Vampire Council.

Esmore, Token Huntress, has exceeded all expectations at only 18 years of age. She is fearless leader to her team, and she is relentless in her pursuit of the enemy. There is only one problem: Esmore is struggling to repress the growing darkness that seduces her from within. Esmore takes another step into the darkness when she encounters a teasing, tantalizing -- utterly unignorable -- vampire.

The lines between right and wrong are blurred further as Esmore gives into her temptation, and her reality becomes deliciously tainted both with evil and with lust.


Even when I conjured all my strength, his speed was unmatched. He grabbed my sword with his hands, blood spurting everywhere, his eyes now savage on me. In one swift movement he threw it away, grabbing my throat, ready to rip out my heart. His fangs were very large and blood dripped over them. Had he bitten into one of his own comrades? I could not breathe, but I did not gasp for air. I would not fall so far as to want mercy from his kind.

              Before he plunged his fingers into me a hand stopped him. My heart pounded, yet I was not scared to face death. A swift movement was made and I fell to the floor, holding my throat. Whoever had grabbed his hand tore him away from me. I looked up in front of me to see the familiar coat. It was Chase. His back was to me as he faced the vampire who had almost killed me. Did the Council really have such old and strong vampires right under our noses?

              “Don’t touch her. She’s mine,” Chase snarled, holding two swords.

              “She threatened Whitney!” the other vampire spluttered.

              “Tythian.” The small voice of the woman from behind him broke the tension. “It’s okay, we can go now.”

He buckled to his knees in front of her, cupping her face gently. “I’m sorry,” he whispered to her. “I did not know they would use you for this.” She gently caressed his face. In amidst the ghastly noises of weapons scraping against one another, it seemed to them that nothing else mattered as they gazed into one another’s eyes devotedly.

Let’s go home,” she said with a reassuring smile. I was mortified how comfortable she was in the blood war that raged around her.

Before I could stand, the vampire had grabbed her chair and, with lightning speed, they were gone.

Chase turned to me, his fangs not as large as Tythian’s, but I could see he too was a very old vampire. “Esmore,” he whispered. Before I could run for my sword to use it against him, he had already vanished, leaving me by myself.

Kora and Kasey were the reason why he fled. They had advanced on him, trying to entrap him. For what reason he hadn’t tried to kill them I wasn’t sure. He simply hid amongst the dark. I could still feel his presence close by, but it felt as if he were only watching. Not fighting, but just watching how everything would play out. Realizing Chase was gone, they focused on another three vampires, entrapping them as Dillian and Tori covered their backs. One by one, the girls trapped more. There were so many of them.

Teary was fighting off four. Except for Tythian and Chase, they all seemed like younger vampires. You could tell by their strength and speed. Usually we could challenge vampires if they were no more than one hundred and fifty years old. After that it became very difficoven to compete against a vampire who had lived for so long.

James was now by my side. He had gathered my Barnett bow and sword for me. I used my arrows instantly on a vampire who ran for me, piercing his chest. He crumbled to the ground, quickly decaying. I roared in anger at how easily I had been overcome by the previous two vampires. I sliced through another vampire, cutting down his throat and through his belly. I cut across another’s head, slitting their throat and puncturing their chest. I raged again, feeling myself fill with hatred and a need to see their blood. I cut off one’s arm, plunging my sword into its chest, driving so deep into it that after a few steps I had nailed it to a tree. It slumped around my sword, its skin turning a shade of black. I pulled it out, watching it begin to decay.

A huge fire lit behind me. Teary was controlling the flames, sweeping over the ten of them that encircled her. There must have been one hundred vampires. This was a well-thought out ambush. James grabbed one vampire’s throat and then another as it ran from behind him. Smashing both their heads together, they shattered from the impact. James steely skin was impenetrable. He grabbed his sword from the ground. A vampire must have knocked it out of his hand. He punctured both in the chest before they could heal.

In the distance I could feel the presence of many more coming. For that many we would have to use the grenade. It was us against many. As if knowing what I was thinking, James ran to Teary as she continued to sweep her hand containing the fire around.

In the distance a vampire stalked toward Teary. He too was strong and old. I had the feeling that others followed him as their numbers grew. James now had the grenade, and he was pulling the pin. Inwardly I counted the short seconds in my head. Ten, nine. Teary continued to control her flames, still engulfing the many around her. Eight, seven. Two vampires came at me and quickly I thrust my sword into them, before shooting an arrow into another oncoming vampire. Six, five. James threw the grenade at the large army that stampeded toward us.

The leading vampire swept one hand across them both. Teary’s flames were instantly put out as a gust of wind extinguished it. The wind not only pushed James and Teary back but Dillian, Tori, Kasey, and Kora as it smashed into their backs, throwing them forward. It had even taken the Council vampires along with it. This vampire had the gift of control over wind. The grenade was thrown toward my team.

Four, three.

With all the speed I could muster I ran for them, grabbing a hold of the grenade in the air. I ran into the distance so the grenade was nowhere near them, throwing it at the army that charged toward them.

Two, One.

The grenade exploded near the army, but shattered much more than just that. Quickly a burst of dust swept over me. The burning flames of the explosion encased my body. I heard my name whispered by an angelic voice, but noted it was probably the afterlife calling for me. This must now be my time of death.

About the Author:

Kia is a Token, no, she is THE Token of Vampire & Paranormal books.’ ~ 5 STAR Reviewer.

Prepare to join a completely different style of writing and worlds. The international Australian author has a unique style of writing- creating an emotional roller coaster and fast paced action. Her writing and presence in the literary world has been described as ‘the new up and coming author to watch out for’ and ‘hauntingly beautiful’.

Kia’s writing ranges from young adult, paranormal, romance, erotica, fantasy and dystopian; starting with her Best Selling series, which has made it into the top 20 in Dystopian on and #26 in the top 50 Books To Read in 2015 by ReadFree. Her first series, The Three Immortal Blades has captivated both young readers and old, with her rich blend of fast paced action, romance and adventure and has won numerous awards already, including; ‘Best Fantasy Series of 2014′, ‘Best Book bad Guy of 2014′, and ‘Best Cliffhanger of 2014′.

She has won numerous awards on her contemporary romance series, My Escort and erotica/ humour series, Aroused: Taming Himself Series. The series and unique storylines have captivated hearts globally and created a few book boyfriends along the way with Damon’s charm and Hayden’s cockiness. Kia grew up in the Darling Downs Region in Queensland, Australia. Graduating High School, she pursued a career in freelance journalism. In 2014, having always had a passion for writing fiction, she decided to follow her dream of becoming an accomplished author. Kia intends to make her books globally known and is already creating a name for herself amongst social media, fans, readers and spectators. During the weekdays Kia works at her Monday to Friday job in Logistics and Transport. She leaves her book worlds to the night and weekends, being well described as a driven young woman. Kia has attended numerous guest speaking, convention signings, and signings including at Dymocks bookstores and Angus and Robinson.

She is an animal lover and organises different events each mid year to donate towards the RSCPA in Australia. Kia is extremely supported by her amazing Street Team and PA, Julia Summers, to whom she owes much too for their support. At first, she struggled with believing in herself and the confidence to promote her own books. Now understanding the touch that she has and the passion of writing, Kia is more confident in her ability to take readers into a different world. She intends to write more than fifty books so far including new genres such as horror, thrillers, sci-fi and children’s books. Kia enjoys dancing, cooking, reading, painting, photography and spending time with her family and friends. Now living in Brisbane, Australia, Kia has a can do attitude, a strong will and the touch of kindness that makes it hard not to fall in love with her. Announced ‘The Best New Author of 2015′ by AusRomToday, she has no intentions of stopping. Kia Carrington-Russell is definitely the new author to be looking out for.

From Kia: Thank you to all my friends, family, and readers who have supported me. You have no idea how much it truly means to me; the support inspires me to keep writing. I am very grateful for the kind words you offer me and for telling others of my books. Honestly, you have made my passion for writing so much more than I thought it could’ve ever been. You’ve created a whole new world around me and I hope to make you proud.

Thank you so much, Kia

Amazon Author

Tour giveaway

3 Paperback copies. (Unsigned-Only signed if winner is in Australia)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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