
Monday, June 13, 2016

The Girl Who Could Change Fate by Cassidy Ostergren Book Blast and Giveaway

The Girl Who Could Change Fate

by Cassidy Ostergren


GENRE: YA Fantasy



Lacey Joy White considers herself unremarkable in every way: she worries over choosing the right clothes, tries to maintain a D in chemistry, and spends nights creeping on her crush on Facebook. And she can alter the future.


How did you guys know we were here?” asked Christian quietly.

Dawson dispelled his gaze from his dead friend. “Some drunken buddies of mine told me they couldn’t believe part of the party was making fireworks out of my barn. I came to check out what they meant when I ran into Brandon and Courtney. They called the police and the Regime right away.”

I gaped at him. Party? What party? And then it jolted me—Dawson’s Halloween shindig, where normal people were getting sloshed and making out with friends and not getting killed. Had that all really been a mere half an hour or so ago?

I knelt down and cradled my face in my hands. Trinity stooped to rub my back. But her motherly caressing couldn’t stop the silently spreading need inside of me…I wasn’t normal, no—not like Emily Boyle and her Creepe cronies and all those others. I had my gift, the one which I couldn’t help but seek to use…And did Christian undergo any of this when he exploited his Memory Shifting?

I glanced up at him, hoping to recognize any sign that he had enjoyed manipulating his power, savoring that untamed triumph, in that moment where he had control like no one else did. But he just stood there, defeated, shaking his head absently.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Cassidy Ostergren was born and grew up in the DC metropolitan area. She attended Roanoke College in Salem, VA, where she majored in Creative Writing and English, and published several of her works in both the college and local magazines. She is currently a full-time novelist of YA fiction and lives on Oak Island, NC, where she enjoys taking walks on the beach with her dog and composing her newest stories.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for informing me about this book.

  2. I enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds like such an exciting, interesting, and intriguing read. Looking forward to checking this book out!

  3. Where is my order on UpWork?!!!! You are such irresponsible! You have ruined my business plan!! @GrooveyGirl14
