
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Summer of Irreverence- The Rock Star by Cathrine Goldstein Blog Tour and Giveaway

Summer of Irreverence - The Rock Star
Cathrine Goldstein

Genre: Adult Romance

Release Date: July 6th 2016

The Wild Rose Press

Summary from Goodreads:

Straight-laced, veterinary surgeon, Summer Wynters is ready to break the rules. And who better to break them with than the most irreverent of all men, mega rock star Malcolm Angel? With one last summer free from work obligations, Summer moves to New York City, and at the coaxing of her friend, pretends to be a model so she can spend one wild night with Malcolm.

Rock star, Malcolm Angel, tortured by a dark past, may be the poet laureate of romance, but he, like science-minded Summer, has never believed in romantic love. How could he? With his history, he doesn’t deserve to be loved.

When Summer’s honesty, kindness, and exuberance for life changes his perspective, the two discover they are in deeper than either dreamed possible. But when Malcolm discovers Summer’s been perpetuating a lie, will he forgive her? Even if forgiveness is possible, can a man immune to love teach someone else to believe in it?

Buy Links:


About the Author

I am a bestselling author, and a NYC girl at heart. I write “gritty romance,” in the genres of YA, NA; women’s fiction; and romance. I’m also the author of 
The Letting and The Coupling, books 1 and 2 of The Letting series. I began my career as an award-winning playwright, and I am a proud member of RWA, PAN. I have my BA in English and my MA in Theatre.

I am a fan of Luna Bars, decaf coffee, yoga, Hemingway, and Bukowski—and the loves of my life are my husband and my two young girls.

To find out more about me; 
Summer of Irreverence, the first book in The New York Artists Series—standalone novels about strong, artistic men, and the smart, unexpected women they fall for; The Letting series; and what’s coming soon, please

Author Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the chance to win :)

    1. Thank you, Lisa, for entering! Good luck!

  2. Thank you so much for featuring Summer of Irreverence--The Rock Star!

  3. I love the romance genre! Sounds like a great read!

  4. Malcolm and Summer sound like quite the couple!

  5. Congrats and best of luck on your new release. Thanks for the giveaway as well.

  6. This sounds like an awesome book.

  7. sounds like a good read. thank you!

  8. I enjoyed reading the book summary and watching the book trailer. This book sounds like such an exciting, passionate, interesting, and intriguing read! Also, I really like the book cover! Can't wait to read it!

  9. This is a new author for me but the book sounds very intriguing, so I'd love to learn more!

  10. sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.

