
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Prom Queen Perfect by Clarisse David Cover Reveal

Today is the cover reveal for Prom Queen Perfect by Clarisse David. This cover reveal is organized by Lola's Blog Tours.

Prom Queen PerfectProm Queen Perfect
By Clarisse David
Genre: Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: July 7, 2016

Being perfect isn't supposed to be this hard.

Alex dela Cruz has it all. Looks, money, and a killer sense of style.

When the annoyingly gorgeous Adam Cordero calls her selfish, she decides to prove him wrong by transforming Christy Marquez from an invisible misfit into a ruling princess of Asia Pacific Academy. Great hair? Check. Flawless red lipstick? Check. Instant popularity? A slightly too big check.

But now, Alex is on the brink of losing the plastic tiara she's supposed to get as prom queen, her best friend, and her heart to the unlikeliest of candidates. Too bad she isn't letting anything”or anyone”get between her and that tiara.

You can find Prom Queen Perfect on Goodreads

Clarisse DavidAbout the Author:
Clarisse David is a Young Adult and New Adult author from the land of epic heat waves a.k.a. the Philippines. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature and cannot survive without Taylor Swift songs, red lipstick, and books. When not hanging out on Twitter, she can be found working on her latest writing project.

You can find and contact Clarisse here:
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