
Monday, May 23, 2016

Life's A Beach Giveaway Hop #Memorialday #lifesabeach

This is an open hop hosted by The Kids Did It & The Mommy Island ! Since it is an open event it will be fun to hop around and see what each giveaway is.

We are giving away the 2 books pictured here:

Please enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to enter the other giveaways listed here:

Disclosure: 3Ps is only responsible for the two books pictured above


  1. The weather is beautiful here in Louisiana, is it nice where you are?

  2. Have you had the chance to read either of these books? If so..what did you think of therm?
    Thank you for the giveaway☺

  3. Do you like to bake or garden?
