
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Trifling Favors by Heather Hiestand How To Please a Lady by Jane Goodger Ten Days in August by Kate McMurray Blog Tour


Inside the Book:

 Title: Trifling Favors 
Author: Heather Hiestand 
Release Date: March 15, 2016 
Publisher: Lyrical Press 
Genre: Historical Romance 
Format: Ebook

"The sweetest treat is a kiss…

Greggory Redcake's plate is full. Widowed young and left with two small children, the manager of the Kensington location of the illustrious tea shop is besieged on all sides between the bakery and family matters. If only his remarkably efficient shop assistant, Betsy Popham, could manage his home life, too! But Greggory can't linger on thoughts of Betsy's fetching smile when a dead body is discovered in the bakery…

Betsy has no time for romance, not even with the delectable Mr. Redcake, whose kisses are all too unforgettable. Haunted by a specter from her family's past, Betsy is terrified that the man blackmailing her has turned to deadly violence. Yet the only way to save her position--and possibly her life--is to accept Greggory's help as their delicious attraction sweetens into the tantalizing promise of true love…

Praise for Heather Hiestand's novels 

"One Taste of Scandal is a delicious, multi-layered Victorian treat." --Gina Robinson, author of The Last Honest Seamstress and the Agent Ex series

"This fast paced read is both sweet and fun. It's rare to find historical romances that feature couples who are of anything but Anglo Saxon decent, and this one does a solid job of addressing some of these difficulties....A fast read with a different view point than many novels in the genre." –Library Journal on His Wicked Smile

"This is definitely one for the keeper shelf." Historical Romance Lover on His Wicked Smile

"A delightful, sexy glimpse into Victorian life and loving with two wonderfully non traditional lovers."Jessa Slade, author of Dark Prince's Desire, on His Wicked Smile "

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Meet the Author:

Heather Hiestand was born in Illinois, but her family migrated west before she started school. Since then she has claimed Washington State as home, except for a few years in California. She wrote her first story at age seven and went on to major in creative writing at the University of Washington. Her first published fiction was a mystery short story, but since then it has been all about the many flavors of romance. Heather’s first published romance short story was set in the Victorian period and she continues to return, fascinated by the rapid changes of the nineteenth century. The author of many novels, novellas, and short stories, she is a bestseller at both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. With her husband and son, she makes her home in a small town and supposedly works out of her tiny office, though she mostly writes in her easy chair in the living room. She also writes as Anh Leod.

Heather loves to hear from readers! Her email is
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Inside the Book:

Title: How to Please a Lady 
Author: Jane Goodger 
Release Date: March 29, 2016 
Publisher: Lyrical Press
  Genre: Historical Romance 
Format: Ebook

The Lost Heiresses

Run though they might, love will find them… 

Lady Rose Dunford is shocked--and titillated--by the number of female visitors coming and going from her mysterious new neighbor's Manhattan brownstone. Recently widowed by the death of her very sweet, but not very exciting husband, Rose finds it difficult to imagine just what the attraction could be.

And then she meets the bachelor in question. Not only is Charlie Avery dashing and outrageously good looking--she knows him! He is none other than the man who once helped her escape the dreary matchmaking plans of her father, the man she once dreamed she could love. Can Charlie's presence next door be an accident? Or has he come to show her everything he has learned about…

How To Please A Lady Praise for the novels of Jane Goodger

 "Fun, delightfully romantic--and sexy." --Sally MacKenzie on The Spinster Bride

 "A touching, compassionate, passion-filled romance." --RT Book Reviews on A Christmas Waltz  photo addtogoodreadssmall_zpsa2a6cf28.png photo B6096376-6C81-4465-8935-CE890C777EB9-1855-000001A1E900B890_zps5affbed6.jpgB&N292865-apple-ibooks-logo

Meet the Author:

Jane Goodger lives in Rhode Island with her husband and three children. Jane, a former journalist, has written seven historical romances. When she isn’t writing, she’s reading, walking, playing with her kids, or anything else completely unrelated to cleaning a house.
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Inside the Book:

Title: Ten Days in August 
Author: Kate McMurray 
Release Date: March 29, 2016 
Publisher: Lyrical Press 
Genre: Historical Romance 
Format: Ebook

From the Lower East Side to uptown Manhattan, a curious detective searches for clues on the sidewalks of New York—and finds a secret world of forbidden love that’s too hot to handle…

New York City, 1896. As the temperatures rise, so does the crime rate. At the peak of this sizzling heat wave, police inspector Hank Brandt is called to investigate the scandalous murder of a male prostitute. His colleagues think he should drop the case, but Hank’s interest is piqued, especially when he meets the intriguing key witness: a beautiful female impersonator named Nicholas Sharp.

 As a nightclub performer living on the fringes of society, Nicky is reluctant to place his trust in a cop—even one as handsome as Hank. With Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt cracking down on vice in the city, Nicky’s afraid that getting involved could end his career. But when he realizes his life is in danger—and Hank is his strongest ally—the two men hit the streets together to solve the crime. From the tawdry tenements of the Lower East Side to the moneyed mansions of Fifth Avenue, Nicky and Hank are determined to uncover the truth. But when things start heating up between them, it’s not just their lives on the line. It’s their love…
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Meet the Author:

Kate McMurray has been writing stories since she could hold a pen. She picked up her first romance novel when she was thirteen and has loved the genre ever since. She started writing gay romance after reading a book and thinking there should be more love stories with gay characters. Her first published novel, In Hot Pursuit, came out in February 2010, and she’s been writing feverishly ever since. She likes stories that are brainy, funny, and of course sexy, with regular guy characters and urban sensibilities. When she’s not writing, Kate works a nonfiction editor. She also reads a lot, plays the violin, knits and crochets, and drools over expensive handbags. She’s maybe a tiny bit obsessed with baseball. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with a pesky cat. She is currently serving as president of Rainbow Romance Writers, the LGBT romance chapter of Romance Writers of America. She’s also active in RWA NYC, the local New York City RWA chapter. You can email her at kate (at) Kate is represented by Saritza Hernandez of the Corvisiero Literary Agency.

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Tour Schedule

 Tuesday, March 29 - Books featured at 3 Partners in Shopping
Wednesday, March 30 - Trifling Favors reviewed at Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile
Thursday, March 31 - Books featured at The Review From Here
Friday, April 1 - Books featured at I'm Shelf-ish
Monday, April 4 - Books featured at A Title Wave
Tuesday, April 5 - Books featured at A Holland Reads
Wednesday, April 6 - Books featured at Mary's Cup of Tea
Thursday, April 7 - Books featured at Literal Exposure
Friday, April 8 - Books featured at Bent Over Bookwords
Monday, April 11 - Books featured at E-romance News
Tuesday, April 12 - Books featured at Confessions of an Eccentric Bookaholic
Wednesday, April 13 - Books featured at PUYB Virtual Book Club
Thursday, April 14 - Books featured at The Dark Phantom
Friday, April 15 - Books featured at Book Cover Junkie
Monday, April 18 - Books featured at Voodoo Princess
Tuesday, April 19 - Books featured at The Literary Nook
Wednesday, April 20 - Trifling for Favors and How to Please a Lady reviewed at Laura's Interests
Thursday, April 21 - Books featured at Deal Sharing Aunt
Friday, April 22 - Books featured at My Bookish Pleasures

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