
Monday, March 14, 2016

Plateful of Murder by Carole Fowkes Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Plateful of Murder by Carole Fowkes



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Plateful of Murder
by Carole Fowkes

What a roller-coaster ride and a fun ride it was.
~Bab’s Book Bistro
This is an engaging cozy mystery with a steady pace and enough twists and turns to keep you guessing.
~Christa Reads and Writes
The idea of a terrified detective intrigued me from the beginning, and the author wrote it so much better than I could have imagined.
~Book Babble
There are quite a few characters so there is no shortage of possibilities of who the killer might be.
~Storeybook Reviews
The suspense built nicely, with surprises along the way, keeping me turning pages till way past my bedtime.
~Cassidy Salem Reads & Writes
plateful of murder
Plateful of Murder:
A Terrified Detective Mystery

1st in Series
Cozy Mystery
Publisher: Ink Lion Books (January 8, 2016)
Print Length: 278 pages
Private Detective Claire DeNardo is afraid of everything. Simple things like balloons, roller coasters, and hairpieces make her knees knock loud enough to be a band’s rhythm section. Unfortunately, the only job Claire can find is working for her Uncle Gino in his seedy detective agency. Until now, her cases have all been middle-aged men with trophy wives who needed watching. But Claire gets swept up in a murder case despite being afraid of conflict, bodily harm, and hurting anyone’s feelings. She enlists a jaded security guard, Ed, to help her. But when Ed is attacked and left comatose, Claire must stumble along by herself. Both the client who hired her and the handsome police detective want her off the case. When the wrong person is charged, it’s up to the terrified detective, to summon all the courage she can to find the true killer.
carole fowkes

About This Author

Carole Fowkes is the author of the cozy mystery series, “The Terrified Detective.” She has also had stories in a number of “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books and other similar anthologies. She’s a registered nurse and lives with her husband in Dallas, Texas.
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  1. We all live in fear, or one sort or another; the way we develop mechanisms for coping is fascinating

  2. You're right, Richard. I cope with humor. Claire, my protagonist used avoidance. That's a bit difficult now though since she's a PI. Leads to lots of interesting turns.

  3. Fear is a weird thing...sometimes it can freeze your reactions, and other times it can spur you into acting. I've been known to use avoidance, but also barreling through.

    1. Sometimes barreling through is the only way to get it done. Plus then it may not come up again.

  4. What is your favorite genre?

    1. I love mysteries. Twilight Zone type of stories are my second most favorite

    2. I love mysteries. Twilight Zone type of stories are my second most favorite

    3. Love mysteries. Next favorite is Twilight Zone-like stories.

  5. All three of these books look amazing. Looking forward to reading. Great giveaway, thanks.
