
Friday, March 25, 2016

Newspaper Boys Always Deliver by Joseph Gulesserian Author Guest Post Book Tour and Giveaway


Book Description for Newspaper Boys Always Deliver:

A Personal Journey into Pop and Technological change in the last Fifty Years.

Newspaper Boys Always Deliver, Gulesserian takes us on a captivating
adventure by combining personal essays and historical insights for an
enlightening look at how we got here, and the earlier inventions that
paved the way for current cutting-edge technologies. While exploring
pop-culture trends, unexpected impacts, and memorable moments in time,
this collection of thought-provoking and humorous reflections paints a
fascinating picture of the changes half a century can bring—and its
implications for what could be just around the corner.

just fifty years, Western culture has gone from culture to
techno-culture—from the swinging sixties to rap, encyclopedia to
Wikipedia, slide rule to artificial intelligence.

Boys Always Deliver, shares a personal journey of how we got here, in a
Book that delivers an eclectic plethora of knowledge, controversy and
humorous entertainment in a newspaper format.

Buy the book here:   Amazon   Barnes and Noble

Author Guest Post;
What would happen if Google went down for 30 days? by Joseph Gulesserian
If Google went down for thirty days, what effect would it have on our lives? What would be the ramifications on our schools, businesses, our way of life, lost efficiencies, and conveniences we take for granted?
How would the millennials be able to deal with this vs. the Gen-X and baby boomers? For one, the millennials have never experienced the world before the internet, and getting through just being able to do their homework assignments without the aid of Google would more than likely put them into the realm of being functionally illiterate, and force them do go to the library to do secondary or primary research.
Gen-X and the baby boomers could always still rely on their dual skill set of the world before and during Google.
What if a computer virus simultaneously attacked work stations and tablets, and Google was not available to research the fix. What if your IT team had to find a fix without relying on Google, so they can get work around to their technical issues? What if a virus overtook most e-mails and we could not even communicate electronic memos within companies, never mind globally?
How would the stock market function, and would it create panic selling when the market factored in that global reduction inefficiency of labour output as a result of Google going down for thirty days, leading to a diminishment in corporate profits, and the subsequent devaluation of equity prices? It is then almost certain that just the loss of equities could impact wealth globally into the trillions of dollars, and spin us into a bear market of wealth destruction. Much of this is discussed in my book “Newspaper Boys Always Deliver”.
Then, we should consider the effects of Google on the mobile market and its related apps. What would be the economic and social ramifications to this? What if all Gmail stopped working? What if Google
Maps went down and your business could not be found, or people could not rely on their GPS’s and traffic apps. What if you could not get access to your Google’s OneDrive and your school papers or business presentation was depending on this.
To exasperate the situation, it is quite possible the deduction of Google from the equation of our everyday lives would affect global inefficiency that would have economic ramifications in the trillions of dollars, both quantitative and qualitative, since today’s commerce heavily depends on information, and concomitantly the speed to operate that Google provides.
All this could create, at minimum, a recession, and quite possibly a prolonged depression. But, of course, government with their all-star line-up of bureaucrats would legislate laws, inflate assets, and jaw down the last crises without the intellectual wherewithal to consider the next. All the while, embracing their latest failures with spin!
Then again, we could perhaps just go back to the library, and try to make up with librarians that we have ignored for the last ten years, like yesterday’s newspaper.

Author's Bio:

Joseph Gulesserian came of age during the seventies, and was exposed to many
changing technologies with a career that has ranged from metallurgic to
manufacturing, from business equipment to information technology, and
brand creation.

After earning his MBA, he taught Corporate Finance, Marketing and Statistics
as an adjunct professor at Toronto colleges, and in 2000 established a
Toronto-based company that designs and produces health and beauty brands
for both domestic and international markets.

​Currently, Gulesserian lives in Toronto with his wife.

Connect with the author:   Website   Facebook   Instagram


Win 1 of 6 print copies of Newspaper Boys Always Deliver (USA & Canada)
1 of 8 kindle copies (Canada)
1 of 5 $20 Amazon gift cards (International)


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I used to be in the journalism trade myself, so I enjoy reading about the profession. Go, newspaper boys!

  2. Because I like to read books!

  3. I want to win it because it sounds interesting

  4. I would love to win because it is a new author and book ty for the chance :)

  5. I rarely read this type of books. I'd love to have a chance to read it. The description sounds interesting.

  6. I want to win it because I love books :)

  7. I love learning and this book sounds very interesting. Thanks for the chance

  8. I want to win because I can't afford to buy books. (
