
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Your Novel by Geno Vincenzo Star in Your Own Love Story You Pick the Setting Book Review and Giveaway

My husband Bruce , (Poppie) passed away 6 years ago this week. Something  that I have a lot of trouble  understanding where the time went. I was able to get a book from  This is a site where you go on and pick out a book that you wish your life could be or really was like. It will take you to wherever or whatever your imagination wants. They have books that are all genres. I picked out "Missed Tryst" by Geno Vincenzo because I can imagine my late husband wanting to be a  detective. Once you pick out the book you want they ask you questions so that they can personalize your book. Nicknames, hair and eye color, friends names, street, town etc. I really loved reading a story that had Poppie and I, as the main characters. I will never forget the story and I really loved this opportunity to do this and someday give it to my children. I would like to thank the people over at for this opportunity and I think everyone would love to get this for yourself or receive it as a present. These would be great for any holiday or celebration. It is sure to touch anyone's heart.

They were also so nice to offer a giveaway to my readers. The winner will receive a Gift Code for $50.00 to get their own book made. Here it is ...
Good Luck

a Rafflecopter giveawayStory


  1. If I am the lucky winner, I would probably pick "Hawaii is Romance."

  2. I would love New york, some like it hot. we honeymooned in the northeast
