
Monday, February 15, 2016

Stinger and Bow by Orren Merton Blog Tour and Giveaway

StingerAndBow_BlogTourBanner (1)
Welcome to my tour stop for Stinger and Bow by Orren Merton! This is a young adult urban fantasy and is the first book in a spin off series of The Sedumen Chronicles. The tour runs Feb. 15-26 with reviews, interviews, guest posts and excerpts.  Check out the tour page for the full schedule.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000035_00009]About the Book:

Stinger needs a new crossbow. 
Thirteen year-old Rachel Silver—or as she's known to the world, Stinger—needs a new crossbow. Her last bow failed her when she needed it most. Besides, Firebird Alex, her aunt and fellow Seduman—half-human, half-spirit being—wields a Sedu blade, made with spirit magic.
So Stinger designs herself a magic crossbow, then convinces her best friends to accompany her around the world and into the universe of Sediin to find the right craftsmen to have it made. Trouble is, warriors attract people who want to challenge them, whether they're ready or not. Stinger is still tormented by her last battle—she's suffering night-terrors, shakes, and cold sweats. When the situation turns deadly, will she be able to come to grips with her trauma and become the warrior she needs to be to save her friends?

Orren MertonAbout the Author:

Orren Merton started writing fantasy and science fiction at an embarrassingly young age. In high school, he picked up guitar and start playing up and down California in a few loud and moody bands, culminating in his current project  Ember After.  During that time, magazines, developers, and corporations began to pay him to write and edit music software related articles, manuals, and  books. Since then he has written the urban fantasy novel The Deviant and the science fiction novel Skye Entity before working on The Sedumen Chronicles, his current series of urban fantasy YA novels. He lives in Southern California with his family, pets, collection of sci-fi/fantasy memorabilia, and curiously large stuffed animal collection.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads 

One winner gets a Kindle and digital copy of Stinger and Bow (US)
One winner gets a $25 gift card & digital copy of Stinger and Bow (INT)
Ends March 2nd
Prizing is provided by the author, hosts are not responsible in any way. Must be 13 or older to enter and have parental permission if under 17. Void where prohibited by law. No purchase necessary to enter. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.


  1. thank you for the chance to win :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! All credit to the artist, Dusan Markovic.

  3. Thank you for hosting a tour stop!

  4. Thank you for informing me about this book.

  5. You know, I'm starting to think I don't have any problems that a magic crossbow wouldn't address.

  6. I see the "curiously large stuffed animal"! LOL. Cute dog.
    I kept reading the synopsis, expecting the "bow" to be a person or entity, but I guess it really is just a crossbow.

    1. Aw, thanks for the kinds words about Reilly, our Irish wolfhound. He's an absolute doll. And you're right, the bow refers to the crossbow.

  7. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win and all the work you put into bringing us such great books and giveaways
