
Monday, February 8, 2016

Good Morning Diego Garcia by Susan Joyce Book Blast and Giveaway

Good Morning Diego Garcia

by Susan Joyce


GENRE: travel adventure/memoir



When Susan and Charles receive a letter from Cyprus friends, now in Taiwan, they get a chance to help crew a sailboat from Sri Lanka across the Indian Ocean. They have no clue what to expect. Susan reminds Charles she isn't a good swimmer. He tells her a life jacket will do the trick, and convinces her it's the opportunity of a lifetime. A must-do travel adventure. They say goodbye to friends and family in sunny California, fly to New York and on to India, arriving the day the Indian government has issued a state of emergency. And then onto the boat, and into the ocean. In monsoon season. With no charts.

In this true-life travel adventure, Susan keeps a journal and record her bizarre thoughts and telling dreams. A real life thriller, Susan's monsoon-season journey is about discovery and spiritual realization—one dream at a time.


Ch 12

Are you afraid now?” Mia asked.

No,” I answered. “I wish I could stop the world and get off. I wish I was experiencing another life in an alternative universe. A calmer one.”

Maybe we are,” Mia said. “Maybe we are dead.”

Maybe we are and observing,” I added. “A future life.”

I was surprised to see Mia smile. “A previous life.”

Charles looked disturbed by the conversation and shook his head in disbelief. “Susan,” he said, “enough!”

I stopped talking when I noticed Dylan had joined us.

Mia looked at him like she had seen a ghost.

What's the problem?” Dylan asked Charles.

We're all dead,” Charles said.

We died in a storm at sea,” Mia added.

And we will carry on sailing through eternity,” Charles said.

Looking concerned, Dylan shook his head and went back to his room.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Born in Los Angeles California, Susan Joyce spent most of her childhood in Tucson, Arizona and returned to LA as a young working woman. Inspired as a child by postcards from her globe-trotting great aunt, Susan left the United States at age 20 to see the world.

She planned on being gone for a year, but ended up living her 20s and 30s in Europe and the Middle East. As a Jill of all trades, she worked as a secretary, freelance writer, taught computer classes, wrote songs, and became an accomplished artist while writing her first children's book, "Peel, the Extraordinary Elephant."

An award winning author and editor of children's books, Susan's first adult book in her memoir series, "The Lullaby Illusion--A Journey of Awakening" is a travelogue of the politics of Europe, the United States, and Israel during a twelve year 'roller-coaster' period of her life and an adventure of survival through friends and sheer determination.

The Lullaby Illusion was awarded

* Readers' Favorite 5-Stars and the 2014 GOLD Medal Winner, Non-Fiction--Travel in the 2014 Readers' Favorite International Book Awards.

* Honorable Mention Prize Winner--2014 Stargazer Literary Prizes

Her second memoir, "Good Morning Diego Garcia" is about her adventure from India and across the Indian Ocean in monsoon season in 1975.

Read more about Susan's life adventures at:

Stop in and say hello to Susan here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like an interesting story. Thats the sort of adventure that many of dream of, but never quite find the time, money, courage, etc. to do it. I'm always amazed (and a little envious) of those who do.

    1. Just up and do it. Not always easy, but so rewarding.

    2. Wow. I guess from my comment I sounded like a stick in the mud. I'm really not, I swear! There are things I have done - just not the same as you have.

  2. Good Morning 3 Partners in Shopping! Thanks for hosting and promoting my new book! I'll check back later in case anyone has a question for me.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This looks amazing! I wish the prize included a copy of your book but no worries, but even if I don't win will be checking your book out. :)

  5. Sounds like an adventure story that shouldn't be missed! It must have been terribly scary to cross during monsoon season!

  6. Do you have plans for Valentine's?
    Sherry Compton

  7. Who hasn't wanted to drop it all and sail off like this? Anyone who hasn't read this, that is.

  8. Mrs. Joyce, can you name all the places where you've lived?

    (my name on the rafflecopter is KateS)

  9. I love the excerpt and I can't wait to read this!
