
Monday, February 8, 2016

Ghosts by Kendall Grey Release Blitz

Ghosts-ecover-ibooksUnder the blazing cover of a post-nuclear, technology-crippled world, Sarah Coolidge is an expert at being neither seen nor heard. She was an afterthought to her abusive parents. She’s invisible to the criminals she works with. And she’ll soon be the death-dealing ghost her enemies never see coming—if she can just shake loose the one person who does see her. The one who could ruin her. The one who gives her a reason to live.    
GHOSTS by Kendall Grey
Series n/a; web serial omnibus
Genre Dystopian SciFi
Publication Date February 8, 2016
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About Kendall Grey

Kendall GreyA whale warrior, indie freedom fighter, and vodka martini aficionado, Kendall Grey is calm like an F-bomb*. She writes urban fantasy, rock star erotica, erotic suspense/thrillers, and apocalyptic science fiction. Swashbuckling cowboy priests in latex chaps are next on her To Write list**.
Kendall lives off a dirt road near Atlanta, Georgia with three mischievous Demonlings, a dashing geek in cyber armor, and a long-haired miniature Dachshund that thinks she's a cat. * Detonation manual not included. ** Just kidding about the cowboy priests. Someone probably already did that.

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