
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Death of an Alchemist by Mary Lawrence Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Death of an Alchemist by Mary Lawrence

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Death of an Alchemist
by Mary Lawrence

Death of an Alchemist
(A Bianca Goddard Mystery)

2nd Book in Series
Mystery – Women Sleuths
Publisher: Kensington (January 26, 2016)
Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1617737121
In the mid sixteenth century, Henry VIII sits on the throne, and Bianca Goddard tends to the sick and suffering in London’s slums, where disease can take a life as quickly as murder. . .
For years, alchemist Ferris Stannum has devoted himself to developing the Elixir of Life, the reputed serum of immortality. Having tested his remedy successfully on an animal, Stannum intends to send his alchemy journal to a colleague in Cairo for confirmation. Instead he is strangled in his bed and his journal is stolen.
As the daughter of an alchemist herself, Bianca is well acquainted with the mystical healing arts. As her husband, John, falls ill with the sweating sickness, she dares to hope Stannum’s journal could contain the secret to his recovery. But first she must solve the alchemist’s murder. As she ventures into a world of treachery and deceit, Stannum’s death proves to be only the first in a series of murders–and Bianca’s quest becomes a matter of life and death, not only for her husband, but for herself. . .
mary lawrence
About The Author
Mary Lawrence studied biology and chemistry, graduating from Indiana University with a degree in Cytotechnology. She won the Celtic Heart Golden Claddagh Award for historical fiction, and was a finalist in both the RWA® Golden Heart contest, and the Gotham Young Adult Novel Discovery competition. Along with writing and farming, Lawrence works as a cytologist near Boston. She lives in Maine. The Alchemist’s Daughter is the first book in the Bianca Goddard Mystery series. Visit her at
Author Links:
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Purchase Links:
Amazon    IndieBound   B&N

Tour Participants
February 11 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy,  &, Sissy, Too !  – Spotlight
February 12 – Brooke Blogs – Interview
February 12 – Leigh Anderson Romance – Spotlight
February 13 – Babs Book Bistro – Spotlight
February 14 – Shelley’s Book Case – Review
February 15 – Island Confidential – Spotlight
February 16 – deal sharing aunt – Interview
February 17 – Back Porchervations – Review
February 18 – Reading Reality – Review
February 19 – I Read What You Write – Review
February 20 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – Spotlight

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for featuring Death of an Alchemist!

  2. Can this book stand alone or should I read the first one in the series before this book? It sounds very intriguing~

  3. You won't get lost reading this one first. Several folks have said it works as a stand alone.
