
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Death & The Brewmaster's Widow by Loretta Ross Virtual Book Tour and Giveaway

Death & The Brewmaster’s Widow by Loretta Ross    

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Death & The Brewmaster’s Widow
by Loretta Ross

The settings and locales in Death and the Brewmaster’s Widow are superb.
~Back Porchervations
This is a mystery within a mystery rolled into tragic circumstances with another mystery attached!
~Laura’s Interests
I am so impressed with this author’s writing. She builds the story with intrigue, romance, and humor in a way that deflects your mind from everything around you and holds your attention fully.
~Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book
DEATH AND THE BREWMASTER’ S WIFE is the kind of cozy that figuratively wraps its arms around you and warms you. Detailed, vivid, engrossing, this cozy has a taut and intriguing plot and characters who inspire readers’ empathy.
~ Mallory Heart’s Cozies
This was a quick afternoon read while traveling – it’s a good thing I was on the plane as the tension built or I might have missed the boarding announcement.
~Christa Reads and Writes
Wonderful characters and strong writing kept me reading well into the night.
~The Bookwyrm’s Hoard
This book had so many twists and turns to the story line that I was on the edge of my seat.
~Moonlight Rendezvous
I enjoyed this book. I found it to be both engaging and original.
~Cassidy Salem Reads & Writes
Death & the Brewmaster’s Widow is a fun, fast-paced, and very entertaining read.
~Jane Reads
The story is a nice mix of mystery and romance, with the latter being a down-to-earth relationship that skips the does-he-or-doesn’t-he drama of too many such stories.
~The Ninja Librarian
Death & the Brewmaster’s Widow
(An Auction Block Mystery)

2nd in Series
Cozy Mystery
Publisher: Midnight Ink (February 8, 2016)
Paperback: 264 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0738747057


They call it “the Brewmaster’s Widow”; the abandoned brewery where Death Bogart’s brother died in an arson fire.
With his girlfriend, Wren Morgan, Death goes home to St. Louis to take on a deeply personal mystery. When Randy Bogart went into the Einstadt Brewery, he left his broken badge behind at the firehouse. So why did the coroner find one on his body? Every answer leads to more questions. Why did the phony badge have the wrong number? Who set the brewery fire? What is the connection between Randy’s death and the mysterious Cherokee Caves, where the opulent playground of 19th century beer barons falls into slow decay?
Not understanding how and why he lost his brother is breaking the ex-Marine’s heart. But the Brewmaster’s Widow is jealous of her secrets. Prying them loose could cost Death and Wren both their lives.

About The Author

Loretta Ross is a writer and historian who lives and works in rural Missouri. She is an alumna of Cottey College and holds a BA in archaeology from the University of Missouri – Columbia. She has loved mysteries since she first learned to read. Death and the Redheaded Woman will be her first published novel.
Twitter: @lorettasueross  –

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a great book. I was born and raised across the river from St. Louis in East St. Louis, IL so the location makes it even more fun.
