
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Oh Ship! Tales of a Cruising Chick and Other Travel Adventures by Lori Moore Virtual Book Tour

Author: Lori Moore
Publisher: Tate Publishing
Pages: 134
Genre: Travel/Humor

Reading Lori A. Moore's true tales of things that happen on the high seas will have you saying, "Oh Ship!"  

From stories of passengers pepper-spraying other passengers to grown men fighting over glass figurines of penguins, you'll laugh until your ribs hurt.

For More Information

  • Oh Ship! Tales of a Cruising Chick and Other Travel Adventures is available at Amazon.
  • Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.
  • Watch the book trailer at YouTube.

Book Excerpt:

          As security was escorting the middle-aged woman from the second floor of the formal dining room, my friends overheard the woman saying, “But I only maced her once!”  Curious, they followed behind and sat nearby to eavesdrop on the conversation while security questioned the woman whom they had just sat down in an empty lounge area. 

          Of all the things you could imagine one woman macing another woman for, what do you think this incident was over?  A man, perhaps?  Not even close.  It was over a cup of hot chocolate!  Yes, apparently this woman’s tablemate had drank her hot chocolate at dinner, so she pulled out her pepper spray and maced her with it. 

          Why it didn’t occur to the woman to just order another hot chocolate is beyond me.  What further boggles my mind is why she thought just macing someone once was so much better than having maced her multiple times. 

About the Author

Lori A. Moore is an award-winning author and professor who doesn’t take herself too seriously and believes her greatest gift to be silliness.  A public speaker and consultant, Lori has four graduate degrees in business.  Lori, her husband, and their four-legged child live in Louisville, KY.  An avid traveler, she has explored much of the globe, finding and bringing silliness to all places. 

For More Information

My review;

I guess you never really know how people are going to act when they are away from their home and think that no one will ever know who they really are and where they live. It was a lot of fun and very interesting to read "Oh Ship" by author Lori Moore. I found myself laughing out loud and thinking to myself how people could be so dumb. Anyone who likes to travel or even likes to read about traveling is going to adore this book.  I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book for a review and these are all my opinions.

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