
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I Hope You Dance by Beth Moran Blog Tour and Book Review

I Hope You Dance

Beth Moran

Ruth Henderson has moved back in with her parents--something she swore she would never do, especially not at the age of thirty-three. But in the face of the mountain of debt left by her late partner, and the fact that her teenage daughter, Maggie, is expressing her grief through acts of delinquency, there was really only one option. Returning to a house Ruth swore never to set foot in again is...
My review;
First of all the title of this book caught my eye. When I read the back of this I really wanted to read this book. Beth Morgan is in love with the boy she has always loved. He happens to live next door. David Carrington is his name. But, they would never be together because he broke her heart and she left her hometown. She said she would never come back. After fifteen years she has to come back home to her mother, father, and the boy next door after she has no where else to go. She has a lot of issues to deal with, a mother and a father who have problems in their marriage and her own teenage daughter. I do not want to write more and ruin the story. But, I will say that I cried at the end. I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book for a review by Kregel Publications and all opinions are mine.

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