
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Celebrity & Entertainment Obsession Understanding Our Addiction by Michael S. Levy Book Tour & Book Review

Book Description for Celebrity & Entertainment Obsession:

“Our celebrity captivation seems out of proportion,” says Michael S. Levy,
PhD, addiction expert and author of CELEBRITY & ENTERTAINMENT
OBSESSION: Understanding Our Addiction

Dr. Levy wrote CELEBRITY & ENTERTAINMENT OBSESSION to shed light on why
we as a society are obsessed with people who work in the entertainment
field—movies and television in particular—but singers, musicians sports
figures and people on reality TV as well. Dr. Levy, whose previous book,
Take Control of Your Drinking…and You May Not Need to Quit, resonated
with many people, finds it remarkable that people who work in the
entertainment field get more recognition and adoration than a competent
brain surgeon who saves people’s lives, or a pathologist who has made
inroads in cancer treatment.

This wasn’t always the case. Sixty years ago, a Gallup Poll study showed
that people who were most admired included Einstein, Winston Churchill,
Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur. Not one entertainer, sports star or
media personality made the list. Fast-forward to 2000 – 2009 and we have
stars like Bono, Tiger Woods, and Denzel Washington making the list.

Dr. Levy can discuss society’s obsession with beauty, how our vulnerability
to addiction, our need for idols and our voyeuristic predispositions
all contribute to our celebrity obsession as well as:

How the mass media controls our thinking, the nature of our social
intercourse and interactions with each other and our preoccupation with

• How the media exploits our voyeurism and how our voyeurism serves as a form of distraction and amusement

• Why being entertained has become our primary preoccupation

• Why celebrities’ real-life, off-screen stories get more publicity than anything they have done in their careers

Dr. Levy laments that television news programs focus as much, if not more,
on the lives of high-profile celebrities than about other more important
issues of the day. He believes that our obsession with entertainers is
something to be concerned about since we will have missed opportunities
to learn from others who could provide us with valuable ideas and
standards for our young people. While the entertainment machine has
given us a quick fix to feel good, Dr. Levy asks: “is our obsession with
celebrities the best use our time? What will be important to reflect on
at the end of our lives: Will it be what we knew about some celebrity
or might it be something else?”

Buy the book:  Amazon    Barnes & Noble

Author's Bio:

S. Levy, PhD is a clinical psychologist who is the director of
substance use services at North Shore Medical Center in Salem,
Massachusetts. He also maintains a private practice in psychotherapy in
Andover, Massachusetts and is a lecturer in psychiatry at Harvard
Medical School. He has often been interviewed on radio and television.
Levy has published numerous articles and book chapters, gives many
lectures and workshops, and is the author of one previous book, Take
Control of Your Drinking...And You May Not Need to Quit.

Connect with the author:   Website   Twitter   Facebook

Tour Schedule:

​Jan 11 - JAQUO Lifestyle Magazine - review
Jan 12 - - book spotlight
Jan 13 - My So-Called Book Reviews - review
Jan 14 - Svetlana's Reads and Views - review
Jan 15 - One Frugal Girl - review
Jan 18 - Counter Culture Critic - review 
Jan 19 - 3 Partners in Shopping Nana, Mommy , + Sissy, Too! - review
Jan 20 - Book Reviews Nature Pictures and everything in between  - review
Jan 21 - Confessions Of The Perfect Mom - review
Jan 22 - Rockin' Book Reviews - review
​Jan 22 - Create With Joy - review
Jan 25 - Puddletown Reviews - reviews
Jan 26 - Book Fanatic - review
Jan 27 - Olio by Marilyn - review
Jan 27 - Deal Sharing Aunt - review
Jan 28 - Library of Clean Reads - review
Jan 29 - Jessica Cassidy - review

My review

"Celebrity & Entertainment Obsession  Understanding Our Addition" by   author Michael S. Levy was a very interesting book to read. The author talks about how the media directs our feelings about people and what we should think about certain celebrities. He tells about how we are living our lives around other important people. The book also talks about our obsession with other people's looks and how we want to look and be like them. After I read this and I was more observant around important people I realized that he was right. Most people do act like they are obsessed. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for a review and all opinions are mine.

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