
Thursday, December 10, 2015

On the Rebound by Jim Cangany Cover Reveal

Welcome to the cover reveal of "On the Rebound" by Jim Cangany.  On the Rebound is a sweet contemporary romance, releasing on 26 January, 2016.

Title: On the Rebound
Author: Jim Cangany
Publisher: Penner Publishing
Genre: Sweet Contemporary Romance
Release Date: 26 Jan 2016


Sabotaged by scandal, basketball coach Greg Miller can't find work in the men's division.  Humble and defeated, he takes a job as an assistant coach for a  women’s college team.  Deciding that he's going to make the best of it and clear his name of any wrongdoing, Greg sets out to make a difference and prove himself to everyone who doubted him.

But when circumstances arise and a valuable player needs some help, the coach begins working alongside elegant and determined academic advisor Ciara Monaghan. Soon, Greg finds he needs more than just a victory on the court.

Disgusted by his immoral reputation, Ciara steers clear of the basketball coach's full court press.  However, as they are forced together and the truth comes out, Ciara realizes there is more to Greg than she ever realized.

But with the season coming to an end and the clock running out, will one of them take the shot and finally change the game?


Jim Cangany didn’t plan on becoming a romance writer, but when he was forty pages into his first manuscript and realized it was a love story, he went with it. Since then, he has found great joy writing contemporary romance on the sweet end. Jim loves things that go fast, so when he’s not writing, you can probably find him following the IndyCar racing series or professional bike racing. He lives in Indianapolis with his saint of a wife Nancy, sons Seamus and Aidan, and the princess of the family, kitty cat Maria.

Connect with Jim at his website, Twitter and Facebook.

This event is organized by Pen & Ink Book Tours.

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