
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Killer Pursuit by Jeff Gunhus Book Review

Synopsis of the book.
When a high-society call girl is murdered in her Georgetown home, investigators find two cameras hidden in the walls of her bedroom. One has its memory erased, presumably by the murderer. The second is connected to the Internet through an encrypted connection...and no-one knows who's on the other end.
Special Agent Allison McNeil is asked by beleaguered FBI Director Clarence Mason to run an off-the-record investigation of the murder because of the murder's similarity to a case she worked a year earlier. Allison knows the most direct path to apprehending the killer is to find the videos, but the rumors that the victim's client list may have included Mason's political enemies has her worried about the director's motives. As she starts her investigation, she quickly discovers that she's not the only one pursuing the videos. In fact, the most aggressive person racing against her might be the murderer himself.

About the author.
Jeff Gunhus is the author of thriller and horror novels for adults and the middle grade/YA series, The Templar Chronicles. The first book, Jack Templar Monster Hunter, was written in an effort to get his reluctant reader eleven-year old son excited about reading. It worked and a new series was born. His books for adults have reached the Top 100 on Amazon and have been Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Finalists.

After his experience with his son, he is passionate about helping parents reach young reluctant readers and is active in child literacy issues. As a father of five, he leads an active lifestyle in Maryland with his wife Nicole by trying to constantly keep up with their kids. In rare moments of quiet, he can be found in the back of the City Dock Cafe in Annapolis working on his next novel.

My review;

Killer Pursuit by Jeff Gunhus is another great book by this author. I have read other books by him and I found this to be one of my favorites. Special Agent Alison McNeil is a force to be reckoned with. Clarence Mason who is the FBI Director has made the right choice by asking her to go after the murderer of a call girl. She has shown in the past that she is good at this kind of criminal. In this case there is camera that was hidden in the home of the victim, so her first step is to try to find the tape. As she gets closer she finds herself in more and more danger. Who can be trusted? Will the missing tape even help solve the crime? This is a great mystery with more than one twist. I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book by Tomoson and all opinions are mine.


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