
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Snowy White Christmas by Josie Riviera Book Blast and Giveaway

A Snowy White Christmas

by Josie Riviera


GENRE: Contemporary Romance (sweet)



Margaret Snow doesn’t believe in fairy tales, but as a devoted mother she’s determined to give her five-year-old daughter a Christmas filled with heart-warming memories.

The once successful LA swimsuit model returns to her small upstate New York town to buy back the foreclosed trailer she once called home. Her menagerie of rescue animals travel with her.

She doesn’t expect to see her former high school sweetheart, the athletic, ever-popular, and decisive Fernando Brandt.

Sparks fly when she realizes that the teenage hockey star is now a successful Realtor who is also interested in her dilapidated trailer for reasons of his own.

But can she resist the handsome, charismatic Prince Charming a second time?

And can she surrender her insecurities and accept the true gift of Christmas, finally feeling worthy of unconditional love?



Once upon a time they’d planned to celebrate the Christmas after high school graduation as husband and wife. A Christmas wedding, her resplendent in a white velvet gown and carrying a bouquet of deep red roses, a tiara in her hair. Sure, he’d done most of the planning, but she had agreed, hadn’t she? She’d called him Prince, adding a different name depending on the circumstances of the day—Prince Polite, Prince Pleasant, he’d heard them all.

And then she’d left him. It was as if she’d slapped him across the face, when in reality the hurt hadn’t set in immediately. He’d been a damn, besotted fool. The first letter he’d written her after she’d left him cold was filled with outraged pride. The others had been demanding and then pleading, something he never thought he’d do.

His thoughts flew back to their senior year, when he’d asked his hockey buddies to clear tires and debris from her front lawn one Saturday afternoon. When he’d stepped into her trailer’s run down foyer and inhaled the smell of stale cigarettes, he’d had to push unexpected tears from his eyes. She’d been furious, shouting at him to be a man, not a baby. Her life didn’t bother her, so it shouldn’t bother him.

But it did bother her.

He’d seen the shame in her face and the sheen of tears, and had realized the humiliation she must have felt. And he knew, even then, that she was extraordinary and he didn’t deserve her. She was as precious as a rare diamond, and he’d wanted to keep her close and safe. Otherwise, he might lose her. And she’d left. He’d lost her. A year passed before he’d placed his feet back on the ground and decided to move forward without her.

And then he’d heard she was back in town.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Amazon Bestselling Author, Josie Riviera, is a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA). She writes contemporary and historical sweet and Christian romances. She’s a transplanted New Yorker now living in the sunny Carolinas. She has three grown children and shares the empty nest with her husband and the family dog.

Josie's an expert at board games and a compulsive reader of every genre, especially romance. In her spare time, she eats Peppermint Patties because they're lower in calories than other chocolate candy.

You can email her at

She ALWAYS answers.

Tweet me at@Josieriviera

Visit my blog, The Italian Blog, for recipes and updates at  

Other Books by Josie Riviera:

Seeking Patience (Regency)

Seeking Catherine (Tudor Novella)

We'd Rather be Writing

Lightning Strikes

My review,
I have always loved to read stories about someone who is able to go back and realize a dream. " A Snowy Christmas" by author Josie Riviera is the kind of story that will make the reader believe that this can really happen. Margaret Snow has always put her daughter first. She wants to have a good Christmas for her child's sake. When she meets a man from her past will this be a good thing for her and her daughter or will it hurt her? Will they be able to forget what happened in the past and try again? I  really enjoyed this story and it's characters. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for a review and all opinions are mine.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I adore the cover! Thank you for the chance at the giveaway. :)

    1. Thank you, Melissa. I have a wonderful cover artist and she perfectly captured the image we wanted to portray.

  2. A good book hits you like a slap in the face.

  3. Beautiful cover and I love the excerpt! :)

    1. Thank you, Elin. My hope is that people will enjoy a "sweet" Christmas romance that will make them laugh and cry.

  4. Thanks so much for hosting A Snowy White Christmas on your blog today!

    What is your favorite fairy tale?

    A Snowy White Christmas is loosely based on the fairy tale, Snow White, and Margaret, the heroine, is said to be Snow White's original name. But that's where the similarities end because this novella explores childhood deafness, dwarfism, pets with deformities (yes, a deaf parrot) and sickle cell sickness.

    Readers are saying that A Snowy White Christmas reads like a Hallmark movie. Please leave a comment and hope you enjoy this "sweet" Christmas novella.

  5. Thank you for informing me about this book.

  6. Great excerpt! This book sounds like a very interesting and intriguing read!

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