
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pinkie McCloud and How She Saved Ballooze by Eileen Goldenberg Book Tour and Book Review

About the Book:

Title: Pinkie McCloud and How She Saved Ballooze
Author: Eileen Goldenberg
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing
Pages: 32
Genre: Children’s Picture Book

Chloe LeQuinn was quick to judge the new girl in town, Pinkie McCloud. She and her friends made fun of Pinkie because of the tiny pink wings sprouting from her head. However, when a terrible Katrina- like storm hits the town of Balooze, it's Pinkie who saves Chloe and the rest of the townsfolk. Suggested age range for readers: 4-7

For More Information

  • Pinkie McCloud and How She Saved Ballooze is available at Amazon.
  • Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

Book Excerpt:

In a land called New Skyland where colors were brighter,

Faces more smiley, spirits were lighter,

On an otherwise typical bright sunny morn,

A very unusual baby was born.

The baby girl’s wings, just a little bit bent

Were a gift only seen on a lucky percent.

This group of people were known as Wingblings,

And the wings on this baby were pink of all things!

“The first McCloud Wingbling” her proud daddy said.

“Come look at these beautiful wings on her head!”

All of their visitors had to agree

That this little baby was something to see.

“What shall we name her?” they wondered aloud.

“How about Pinkie … YES, Pinkie McCloud!

About the Author

Eileen Goldenberg is an award-winning artist and illustrator residing in Tampa, Florida. As a lover of Children’s Picture books, her dream has always been to enter into this field. With the publication of her first book, Pinkie McCloud and How She Saved Ballooze, she can now add author and illustrator of children's literature to her long list of accomplishments.

For More Information

My review;
I fell in love with "Pinkie McCloud and How She Saved Ballooze" by Eileen Goldenberg. This is a beautiful story explaining how someone should bully others. It tells about a young girl who even though she was teased she saved the people that hurt her. It is a wonderful lesson told in a way that children will understand. I also want to say that I loved the illustrations which were also by the author. I give this book a 5/5. I was given this book for a review and these are all my opinions.

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