
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Angels Sing to Rest by Chrinda Jones Blog Tour and Giveaway

Angels Sing to Rest

Chrinda Jones

on Tour November 2015


Angels Sing to Rest by Chrinda Jones cover
"Angels Sing to Rest" begins where "Darkness Knows Me" left off: after the investigation into the death of the Deep Ellum Killer, Levi Devereux.
Detective Sergeant Olivia Gates returns from a two-month suspension, to find her team has gained a new member, her ex-husband is being released from prison, and a 10-year-old street kid has been murdered on her patch of South Dallas.
Her ex she can deal with, even when he drags their young son into the mix or so she thinks. The murdered boy with the crushed chest, isn't so easily handled and weighs heavily on her as more street kids are killed with an unimaginable sadistic flare and no discernible motive.
If the continuing body count wasn't stressful enough, Olivia's falling out with long time friend and colleague, Doctor Will Green, threatens any hope Olivia had for more than a friendship with the good doctor.
Drugs, gaming, prostitution and sadistic murders lead Gates and her team on a trek through the seamy underbelly of living rough on the streets of downtown Dallas.

Nominated for Dan Poynter's Global eBook Awards!

Book Details:

Genre: Crime
Published by: Wing and a Prayer Publishing
Publication Date: Sept 4, 2015
Number of Pages: 206
ISBN: 978-0-9898442-1-5
Series: Olivia Gates and Will Green Crime Series, Book 2
Purchase Links: Amazon Barnes & Noble Goodreads

Read an excerpt:

Chapter One
Vincent Rocha knew he hit her hard, but at the time he figured she deserved it. He paid her good money to do what he wanted and by God she was going to do what he wanted. He checked for a pulse at the side of her neck when she lay flaccid on the bed for too long. There was nothing. He didn’t think he hit her hard enough to kill her.
That he killed this woman with his own hands didn’t panic him. She wasn’t his first dead prostitute and she wasn’t likely to be his last. If he thought of prostitutes as human the whole scene might have played out differently. Her kind provide a service. They make themselves available to him and others like him to use up and throw away. His father told him it was the order of things. He believed him.
Vincent rolled the woman over so he didn’t have to look at her face and untied the scarf from her neck. He threw the silk bed sheets over her naked body, not out of any sense of propriety — he purely despised the look of her, with her dyed red hair and stubble covered legs. Experience taught him that her kind was always ready — for cost, a few extra twenties and a bottle — to do what the higher priced call girls wouldn’t.
He went to his closet to cover his own nakedness with a robe and picked up the phone beside the bed. He dialed. When someone finally answered, it was his second in command. “Martin, come to the loft and drive the van. I have some garbage for you to pick up.” Vincent purposefully hung up before Martin could ask questions and went to the utility room for the thick plastic drip sheet and masking tape the remodeling company left behind.
He returned to splay the drip sheet on the floor at the foot of the bed. When he pushed the body off the mattress, it made a sickening thud as it hit the floor, reminding him of a large tuna hitting the deck of a fishing boat. He rolled her up in the plastic, securing the bundle with masking tape. Vincent walked away leaving her in the middle of the room for his lackey.
He tilted his head toward his chest and opened the dressing gown, sniffing for the odor that nauseated him. She left her sex scent on him. The strong odor made him involuntarily gag. He covered himself again and entered the bathroom to shower off what remained of her humanity.

Author Bio:

Chrinda Jones is a crime writing and reading fiend, which she believes is genetic and began with her great-grandmother, who hoarded crime novels. "Darkness Knows Me" is her crime novel debut and "Angels Sing to Rest" is next in her series. When she's not putting her time in with the writing gods, you can find her playing music or enjoying a good meal with friends and family. Chrinda currently resides in Murphy, Texas, with her husband, children, grandchildren and her Jugg, Abby.

Catch Up:
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Tour Participants:

Don't Miss Out on the Giveaway:

This is a giveaway hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours for Chrinda Jones. There will be 6 winners for this tour. The 1st 2 winners will each receive one $15 US gift card. The 3rd & 4th Place winners will each receive 1 autographed copy of Darkness Knows Me by Chrinda Jones, this prize will be for US winners only. The 5th & 6th Place winners will each receive 1 eBook copy of Darkness Knows Me by Chrinda Jones. The giveaway begins on November 1st, 2015 and runs through December 2nd, 2015.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Thanks so much for introducing us to this 2nd in series mystery. Sounds like an interesting read!

  2. Thanks very much for the feature! It was kind of you to let me share my books with your readers. Blessings!
