
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ward Against Destruction by Melanie Card (Chronicles of a Reluctant Necromancer #4) Blog Tour and Giveaway

Ward Against Destruction (Chronicles of a Reluctant Necromancer, #4)

Release Date: 10/05/15

Entangled Teen

Summary from Goodreads:

Ward de’Ath used to the think that nothing could be more terrible than death. Now he realizes

there are worse things. Like his never-ending hunger for blood. Even if he conquers the

unbearable cravings that drive him headlong toward destruction,he’s a wanted man with a bleak


Assassin Celia Carlyle learns she is the only one who can protect Ward from disaster. She loves him–she wants to help him, but no one can tell her how to save him from himself. And the confusing voices in her head scream to let him go.

But Ward's dark trials keep mounting. A malevolent evil is rising in the land, threatening to

unleash horror upon the world. The only way Ward can defeat it, and have the chance to marry

Celia, is by accepting his fate and becoming the one thing he swore he would never become..

We at 3 Partners inShopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!  would like to thank author Melanie Card for being with us today.
High Fantasy Books I’ve Love to See Made into a Movie or TV Show

Hi there! I’m Melanie Card and I write the Chronicles of a Reluctant Necromancer series—high fantasy books with a touch of romance. To celebrate the release of the fourth and last book in the series, WARD AGAINST DESTRUCTION, I thought I’d share those high fantasy books I’d love to see turned into a movie or TV show.

For a long time fantasy movies and TV shows were hit or miss. I never understood why I could watch amazing quality science fiction but fantasy seemed to be lagging behind. (I’m also a bit of an SF addict, too) but with the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies trilogies and the epic fantasy TV show Game of Thrones I have high hopes for fantasy.

  1. The Study Series by Maria V. Snyder.
  2. The Chronicles of Elantra series by Michelle Sagara
  3. The Elenium by David Eddings
  4. The Riftwar Legacy by Raymond E. Feist
  5. The Raven Sisters series by Barbara Hambly

I think these worlds as well as the scope of the story, certainly for the series by Michelle Sagara, David Eddings, and Raymond E. Feist, would make thrilling and entertaining movies and/or TV shows.

Do you have a favorite fantasy series you’d like to see on the big or small screen?

About Melanie Card:

Melanie has always been drawn to storytelling and can’t remember a time when she wasn’t creating a story in her head. Her early stories were adventures with fairies and dragons and sword swinging princesses.

Today she continues to spin tales of magic in lands near and far, while her cat sits on the edge of her desk and supervises. When she’s not writing, you can find her pretending to be other people with her local community theatre groups.

Connect with Melanie:

Get your copy of Ward Against Destruction at:


Ward de’Ath used to think that nothing could be more terrible than death. Now he realizes there are worse things. Like his never-ending hunger for blood. Yet even if he conquers the unbearable cravings that drive him headlong toward destruction, he’s a wanted man with a bleak future.
Assassin Celia Carlyle learns she is the only one who can protect Ward from disaster. She loves him, she wants to help him, but no one can tell her how to save him from himself. And the confusing voices in her head scream to let him go.
But Ward’s dark trials keep mounting. A malevolent evil is rising in the land, threatening to unleash horror upon the world. The only way Ward can defeat it, and have the chance to marry Celia, is by accepting his fate and becoming the one thing he swore he would never become...

Buy Links:

Books in this series:

About the Author

I have always been drawn to story telling. In fact, I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t telling a story in my head or on paper. In grade school, we had journal writing time which I turned into story telling time, weaving tales of magic and adventure that mimicked the fairy tales and myths that I loved to read. It was there, with the help of two very special teachers, that I nurtured this love and started my journey as a writer.

I write fantasy, paranormal romance, and everything in between, seasoned with a good dash of adventure and mystery. Join me on my tales of magic, adventure, and romance.

Author Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would raise my grandfather from the dead. I am sure he would like to be alive again.

  2. My mother, she passed away too soon.

  3. id raise my grandfather

  4. I would raise my grandfather.

