
Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Libby Garrett Intervention by Kelly Oram Book Blitz, Excerpt, and Giveaway

The Libby Garrett Intervention (Science Squad)
by Kelly Oram 
Release Date: 10/24/15
Bluefields Publishing

Summary from Goodreads:
Libby Garrett is addicted to Owen Jackson's hot lovin'. But the sexy, popular college basketball player doesn't appreciate all of Libby's awesomeness. He refuses to be exclusive or even admit to people that they're dating. The relationship is ruining Libby and she's the only one who can't see it.

When Libby's behavior spirals completely out of control, her best friend Avery Shaw and the rest of the Science Squad stage an intervention hoping to cure Libby of her harmful Owen addiction. They put her through her very own Twelve Step program—Owen's Anonymous—and recruit the help of a sexy, broody, hard as nails coffee man to be her official sponsor...

Adam Koepp has watched Libby Garrett for years. How could he not notice the sassy girl with the purple skateboard and helmet plastered with cat stickers? But in all the years he's crushed on her, Libby has failed to take notice of him. Why would she when he was just a nobody high school drop out who served her apple cider several times a week? Especially when she was hooking up with a guy like Owen Jackson—a guy with a college scholarship and more abs than Kyle Hamilton.

Adam finally gets the chance to meet Libby when his co-worker Avery Shaw recruits him to take Libby on the journey of a lifetime. With his ability to play Bad Cop and his experience with the Twelve Step program he's the perfect candidate to be Libby's sponsor. But will he be able to keep his personal feelings out of the matter and really help her the way she needs? And will Libby hate him when he forces her to take an honest look at herself?

This follow-up companion novel to The Avery Shaw Experiment can be read as a stand alone. (But where's the fun in that?) ;)


Avery sighed and took a sip of hot chocolate. “The old Libby wasn’t dependant on anyone except herself,” she said. “So we just need to find the old Libby and bring her back.”

It would be nice to start feeling like myself again, but that wasn’t going to solve my problem. “The old Libby didn’t know Owen. Owen is what killed the old Libby. Old Libby jumped aboard the Owen train faster than the new Libby does. If I couldn’t resist him then, how am I supposed to be able to do it now that I know all the different ways he can take me planes of ecstasy only reached by women in fiction novels? How am I supposed to say no to that? Why would I say no to that?”

Why indeed? This conversation was supposed to be helping me get over Owen, but my hand was on my car keys and I was calculating the time it would take me to get to his dorm if I left right now.

Okay, okay, so finding the old Libby won’t be enough. What we really need to do is find a way to cure you of your Owen dependency, so that New Libby or Old Libby, it won’t matter.”

Sure. That’s all we had to do. It seemed a hopeless case to me. “How are we ever going to do that? Even if you don’t drive me up to UVU anymore, he’s going to come home for the summer very soon. He’s Grayson’s best friend and I’m your best friend, so we’re going to be pitted together all the time automatically, and then I’ll be up at school with him in the fall. Dorm rooms…no parental supervision…how will I survive?”

We’ll just have to get you over him before school is out. We’ll have you cured by graduation.”

That’s only a month away!”

Just stop panicking and give me a second.”

Avery’s eyes fell shut and bounced back and forth beneath her eyelids as her brain kicked into gear. I sat back and let her do her thing. I was every bit as smart as Avery, but numbers were more my game. Numbers and equations always had rules to follow. Everything worked in a specific order. Science was different. Science was about thinking outside of what we already know. It was about expanding possibilities beyond the rules in order to find a solution. Avery was good at thinking outside the box.

We sat there long enough for me to finish off my cider. I was just about to give up all hope when Avery’s mouth curved up into a wide smile. Her eyes snapped open and focused on me with so much surety it was hard not to feel her excitement. “You figured it out,” I said, trying and failing to squelch my hope.

I’ve figured it out,” Avery agreed.

What?” The anticipation was killing me. “What are we going to do?”

You’ll see. Just give me a few minutes to talk to Josiah.”

Avery’s grin was devious. Whatever she was up to, I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be as excited about it as she was. She jumped up clapping her hands together. “This is going to be so great!”

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About the Author
Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen–a fan fiction about her favorite music group, The Backstreet Boys, for which family and friends still tease her. She's obsessed with reading, talks way too much, and loves to eat frosting by the spoonful. She lives outside of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband and four children.
Author Links:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the chance to win :)

  2. I'd really like to read this! Thanks!

  3. thanks for the excerpt . i think it sounds like a good book

  4. thanks for the chance

  5. sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.


  6. It's really cold where I live and I would love to read this during the long winter months. It sounds like a good read to me.
