
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Taming Tigers by Daisy White Book Blitz and Giveaway

Taming Tigers
by Daisy White
Release Date: July 30th 2015
Fire and Ice Young Adult Books

Summary from Goodreads:

Seventeen year old Talia is struggling to earn a living as a seamstress, surviving in the infamous Camps of war torn Arista. When her soldier fiancĂ© Kellar suggests a bizarre route of escape — stowing away in the cross desert freight train to Leonore, Talia jumps at the chance.

In Leonore she can marry Kellar and expand her business — leaving the war behind... But a freak accident leaves her stranded and alone in the desert. Caught between the two countries, and forced to face her troubled past, Talia must choose between love and revenge, whilst playing the ultimate game of survival. Comforted by The Guardian and haunted by The Ghost, Talia begins a journey that will change her life forever...

‘A rich mix of evocative mysticism and gritty fantasy – Beautiful...’ 

Guest Post
Writing For Fun
I read for relaxation, and I write for fun. I am very lucky to be able to work writing around my job/family life, but I approach it as a treat for myself - a bit like a chocolate bar reward, but with less calories!
That is not to say I don’t have to be disciplined, and pack in a word count every day when I have a book in progress, but it means that I enjoy what I do. I have taught myself to write anywhere, so I can grab ten minutes on the train, two hours on a plane journey, or five minutes before school pick up. Of course I do feel a pang of jealousy when I read an article about an author who has a home office tucked away somewhere secluded, and there is no doubt my productivity rises when I get a few hours of peace to really crack on. However, there is a challenge to fitting writing into the puzzle, and it does mean I don’t allow myself ‘writers block’ – if I have free time I know I need to get on with the next book.
Emails or comments on social media also spur me on to finish the next piece of work. Readers will say that they liked Talia, but wanted more of Kellar, or what really happened to Millar? I always answer, and take up feedback.
Having signed two different series with two publishers (the Taming Tigers trilogy is with Fire & Ice YA Books, and the Cloud Red series is with Limitless Publishing), I consider myself very lucky, and greatly enjoy working with both.

About the Author

DAISY WHITE is an author, literary entrepreneur and community pop up shop consultant. She also runs award-winning pop up indie bookshop Daisy White's Booktique, lives in a cowshed and has a passion for mud-running, vintage hats and reading . 
Roadkill was Daisy's first YA book, self-published with Amazon, and this was followed by YA fantasy Killing Time which was also self-published.
In 2014 she was delighted be signed by traditional US publishers Melange Books and her debut YA fantasy (Taming Tigers) for their Fire and Ice imprint is out July 2015...
Daisy would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read and review her books, as she learns something new from each critique.

Author Links:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway

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