
Thursday, October 8, 2015

Missing by Randa Flannery Virtual Tour and Giveaway


by Randa Flannery


GENRE: Romantic Suspense



Haunted by her best friend's disappearance, always practical Rowan Quaide lives a life of cold logic. As an intelligence analyst, her world is ruled by who has the best strategy and Ro's reasoned control makes her Queen.

A Chance encounter with a man from her past stretches the bounds of reason and throws her into a game of dark deception and danger. With the past creeping from her nightmares into her reality, Ro pits herself against the monster determined to destroy the new love she's found.

As the intel gets more and more disturbing and events begin to spin out of control, she must rely on her instincts and cling to an unreasonable truth, or allow logic to tear her apart.


Something was missing. Something important. Rowan turned, her eyes wide and straining, searching the darkness. Her ears rang with her panting breath and surging heart. It was too dark. She couldn’t find anything in the pitch black that seemed to claw at her. She needed light. Just a little light, and she could find it. Find whatever was missing.

A sudden urgency gripped her, pulled and pushed at her to do something. Her feet, unbidden, pounded into the unknown, carrying her with them. She ran on and on, for endless miles, unaware of where she was going, of where her twists and turns would take her. She knew only that something was missing and she had to find it.

A scream shattered the nothing.

Rowan jerked to a stop as the fine hairs on her arms and neck prickled. Fear slid across her chest, seizing her breath. She knew that scream, felt the terror burning in it as though it were her own. Lexie. She had to find Lexie. She ran again, feet pounding faster and harder than before, frantic to get to her friend. But the darkness blinded her, tripped her, whipped at her. Something caught her ankle, sending her tumbling down, further into the abyss, with her friend’s screams reaching after her.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Randa Flannery has an a degree in English and writes a variety of romantic fiction, including suspense, comedy, and urban fantasy. Randa is a member of the Romance Writers of America and lives as an expat with her husband and children in FuYang, China.

Media Links:

Twitter: @randaflannery

Facebook: authorrandaflannery

Buy Links:


Barnes and Noble



Randa will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn host.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think you should put a picture in your profile for Goodreads. I like to use cats and giraffes myself. I think people will take your book more serious with a picture. just a thought.

    1. doh! i totally forgot to put my pic up. thanks for the heads up!

  2. Missing sounds intriguing, and I am curious to find out what happens. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. glad you liked it. i really enjoyed writing this book and am excited for everyone to get to know rowan and her friends.

  3. I'm looking forward to reading more. Thank you.

  4. thanks for having missing on the blog today! i really liked that part of the story in the excerpt, how it sets the tone for rowan's frame of mind and the journey ahead. happy to chat if anyone has questions. feel free to drop me a line!

  5. Thank you for informing me about this book

    1. thank you for stopping by and checking it out. i enjoyed writing this book and hope you enjoy reading it as much!

  6. I would love to read more about this book! Thank you for introducing me to a new author and her work!
