
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Becoming The Balance Bringer by Debra Kristi Book Blitz and Giveaway

Becoming: The Balance Bringer
by Debra Kristi
Release Date: March 9th 2015
Ghost Girl Publishing

Summary from Goodreads:

Ana’s world is falling apart. What she thought were dreams start entering her waking life. Eerie shadows hunt her. Her dream guy becomes reality. And strange new abilities begin developing. Ana is becoming something other.

She is determined to find answers, but where to turn? Her mom and best friend are keeping secrets. Her older sister is dead and exists only in her dreams. And her younger sister thinks they are goddesses.

Above all else, dark forces will stop at nothing to crush Ana – to keep her from restoring balance. To keep her from…becoming.

Is love and blood and sisterhood enough to stop the dark secrets and power from destroying her?

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Why are you here?” Throwing my bag across to the passenger seat, I try to act casual and shift my focus. Would Ry and I make a good couple? It’s possible. Except—what about the green-eyed guy who had me completely flustered only a short time ago?

Ryland touches my arm, turning me to face him. “Looking for you, actually. I saw your car sitting here in the dark. You realize, this isn’t the safest place at night. You should be more careful.”

When I look into his eyes, he appears more relaxed, and I try to picture us actually dating, or even going to prom together.

You look tired.”

It’s merely an observation on his part. The point is he noticed. I am tired, exceptionally so.

Is that why you skipped yoga?”

I just needed a swim.” Brave and in need of comfort, I slide my hands down his arms, letting them wander in search of a handhold. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

With the mastered skill of a professional rejecter, he repositions my hands away from his own. The action stings, and I lower my gaze.

About the Author

Live in reality. Play on the other side. 

Debra Kristi is a paranormal and fantasy writer. She lives in Southern California with her husband, two children and and three schizophrenic cats. She’s a full-time kid chaser, video game maker's wife, and muse prompted writer. Unlike the characters she often writes, she is not immortal and her only super power is letting the dishes and laundry pile up. When not writing, Debra is hanging out creating priceless memories with her family, geeking out to science fiction and fantasy television, and tossing around movie quotes. 

“She writes because the dead girl told her to.” 

Author Links:
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a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for informing me about this book.

  2. Thanks for hosting me and my book!

  3. This looks like a very nice book. I am looking forward to reading this.
