
Monday, September 28, 2015

Through His Heart by Deborah Camp Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway

Through His Heart
Mind’s Eye
Book Three
Deborah Camp

Genre: Romantic Suspense/Paranormal

Date of Publication: June 30, 2015


Number of pages:357
Word Count: 93,461

Cover Artist: Pamela Schmitt

Book Description:

“Sending you an SOS.”

When psychic Trudy Tucker hears this plaintive cry in her mind and then connects psychically with a little girl’s kidnapper, she is drawn to a small town in Missouri where everyone is suspect – including herself and her lover, celebrated psychic detective Levi Wolfe. As she and Levi work together to sort through whom and what to trust, an innocent life hangs in the balance.

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“You don’t realize how special you are, do you?”
Trudy smiled. “Special to you.”
“Yes, and special as a psychic.” Levi straightened, stood, and threw his leg over the seat, sitting backwards in it to face her. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he hauled her up against the back of the chair. “What I do isn’t anything special. Talking to the deceased is a psychic staple. But what you can do . . . connecting with the thoughts of a living being . . . that is rare. In fact, I don’t know of anyone else who can actually do it. I know a couple of people who claim to be able to, but you’re the only psychic I’ve ever met who is the genuine article.”
She listened, but found holes in his argument. “What you do is special. You told me yourself that your accuracy sets you apart from other mediums.”
“Yes, that’s right. I’m good. Damn good.” He winked at her. “But you’re a diamond among crystals. You sparkle so brightly, you blind the rest of us.”
Her heart melted into a puddle as he gazed at her with undisguised admiration. “I’m not . . . am I? You really don’t know anyone who can do what I do?”
He shook his head slowly, deliberately, his blue eyes shining. “Nary a one.” He regarded her for a few moments before his lips twitched into a grin. “Does that freak you out?”
“A little.” She swallowed the lump in her throat so that her voice would emerge stronger. “Quintara has told me that I’m one of a kind, but I figured she was exaggerating – as she’s known to do.”
“This time your flamboyant mentor wasn’t embellishing the truth.” He rested his hands on her hips, his long fingers spreading across her jeaned backside. “At the risk of freaking you out more, I think you’ve only begun to reveal the extent of what you can do. You’re holding back because you’re afraid. I understand. I’ve been there.” His fingers flexed on her hips. “Take your time. Let it come to you gradually and don’t be scared. You’re strong and brave. You’ll be able to handle it.”
“Handle what?” She shook her head as a ball of nerves grew in her stomach.
“Your gift. Your incredible gift.”
“You said you’d help me.”
“And I will. I’m here for you.”
She framed his achingly handsome face in her hands and her heart doubled in size. “How’d I get so lucky?”
“I’m the lucky one.” He turned his face so that he could kiss her palm, but not before she saw darkness pass through his eyes like a specter. “And you’ll agree with me whole-heartedly once we’re in Missouri.”

About the Author:

Author of more than 45 novels, Deborah lives in Oklahoma. She has been a full-time writer since she graduated from the University of Tulsa. Her background as a newspaper reporter and editor helped her to write fast and enjoy research. After she sold her first few books, she quit newspaper work to become a freelance writer and novelist. Deborah's first novel was published in the late 1970s and her books have been published by Jove, New American Library, Harlequin, Silhouette, and Avon. She has been inducted into the Oklahoma Authors Hall of Fame and she is a charter member of the Romance Writers of America. She is also a member of the Author's Guild. She is an active volunteer with the Animal Rescue Foundation and is a foster home for dogs until they find their forever homes.

Tour giveaway

5 $10 Amazon gift cards


  1. Thanks for featuring my book on your blog! I truly appreciate it and hope your followers get hooked on my Mind's Eye series.

  2. I have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. I would like to read Through His Heart the most. It looked like a really great plot.
