
Monday, September 14, 2015

Protecting the Dream by Michelle Sharp Release Day Celebration Guest Post, Excerpt and Giveaway

About Protecting the Dream:

Detective Jordan Delany is back and contemplating her most challenging mission to date—moving in with Tyler McGee.

After receiving commendations for their last successful drug bust, Jordan and Ty are planning a vacation.

Or are they?

Jordan allows Ty to keep their destination a surprise. But instead of whisking her away to a warm Caribbean beach, as her not-so-subtle hints alluded to, he detours to an old estate that he has loved since childhood and asks her to move in with him.

Sparks fly when Jordan is blindsided by Ty’s proposal. He wants to buy the aging horse ranch, start renovations, and begin a life with Jordan. But can Jordan overcome her deepest insecurities and commit to living with Ty? And if so, will she be able to navigate the one other minor hitch: the spirit inside the house who is determined to show Jordan the home’s deadliest secret?

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Buy Links Coming Soon: Amazon | Barnes & Noble


The blindfold was purely for Ty’s own self-preservation. If Jordan could see, it’d take her no time at all to draw her weapon and aim it at his head when he pulled in front of the broken-down old ranch house in lieu of a tropical beach. He took a deep breath to slow his thundering heart rate.

Today Ty planned to convince Jordan to move in with him.

Her hints about wanting a beach and some water to play in hadn’t exactly been subtle, and a beach would have been damned easy to deliver. But, no. He’d come up with the bright idea to take her to the middle of nowhere and show her a house with no heat and weedy overgrown pastures. He peeked over at her.

What the f*** was I thinking? She’s going to rip my head off!

Jordan exhaled a giant impatient sigh and crossed her arms. “We’re not heading to the airport, are we?”

Not exactly.” He swallowed hard. Shit, her instincts were sharp enough to split hairs. What made him think a blindfold would fool her?

The train station?” she asked.

Nope.” He sighed, debating whether to keep driving toward the lackluster property or turn around. A couple of weeks ago the plan had seemed like a romantic gesture, a step toward commitment without scaring her off with a marriage proposal. Now his strategy felt foolish.

She sighed again. Heavily. “Hopping on a bus?”


What the hell, cowboy? I happen to know there are no tropical beaches in Missouri.”

Nerves had eaten away most of his composure. “Could you maybe just be quiet for, like, five more minutes?”

He turned on the gravel road that led to the gated entrance of the old Henderson estate, a onetime horse ranch. His heart was thundering so hard he could feel the wall of his chest vibrate. The woman he loved had been handed double doses of intelligence, bravery, and compassion. But she’d missed the patience line altogether.

He put the truck in park. “I’m hopping out for just a second.”

She reached up to pull the scarf from her eyes, but Ty grabbed her hand.

Listen, I promise to have you at a beach by tomorrow night if that’s what you want, but I have one surprise that I need you to see first. If you trust me, please keep your eyes covered for another minute or two.”

He brushed a kiss against her lips, and thankfully she nodded.

What is your favorite thing about reading and writing romance? By Michelle Sharp

Hmm. I think my love of romance has been evolving since I was young. Even as a teenager, very few things in life would make me happier than being swept up in a great love story. So, obviously before I started writing books, I was an avid romance reader. I suppose most writers probably start out as voracious readers. I’ve always been especially drawn to romantic suspense. When you add the element of danger, things heat up that much more.

So often I would read a novel and think, “Wow, wouldn’t it have been awesome if this had happened.” Or maybe, “I want to know how the hero would react if that had happened.” So I’d kind of rework favorite scenes in my head.

Soon the obsession evolved more. I had a ton of ideas for books of my own. I’d be driving down the road or in the shower and think, wouldn’t it be cool if there was a book featuring this kind of character. And she’d meet this guy, and he’d be that kind of character. Eventually my vivid imagination and my journalism degree just sort of naturally evolved into a passion for writing.

Unfortunately, unless you’re very gifted or very lucky, most people don’t sit down at a keyboard and hack out a worthy novel the first time around. I don’t want to make it sound easy-breezy, like I had all these ideas, and voila, a novel appeared. It so did NOT happen that way. It took several years of writing classes, workshops, and contests before I had something I’d dare to release to the public. Even now, with two books published and two more releasing in the next couple months, I’m still taking classes, diving into workshops, and trying to hone the obsession into something that will bring an audience pleasure.

So to answer the original question, I didn’t think anything could get better than reading a great romance, but I was wrong. Writing romance is pretty freaking fun, too. Maybe because of the power an author has. What other line of work do you get to invent a world and control what everyone does, where they live, all their thoughts? I don’t know if I have a very favorite thing about writing romance. But I can say a new fantasy comes to life with every “the end” I write—and that just never gets old.

Guest Post;

Award-winning author, Michelle Sharp, has been nominated for a 2014 National Readers Choice Award for Best Romantic Suspense and Best First Book. In addition, her debut novel Dream Huntress has been selected as a finalist in the 2015 Daphne Du Maurier award for Excellence in Mystery and Suspense. Although she has a degree in Journalism from Southern Illinois University, she finds weaving tales of danger, deception, and love much preferable to reporting the cold, hard facts.

As most authors probably are, she is an avid reader. Growing up in St. Louis has made her a die-hard Cardinals fan, and having a child with Down Syndrome has made her passionate about any issue regarding special needs kiddos. She’s also a fairly big sucker when it comes to anything with fur or feathers. Michelle is a proud member of Romance Writers of America and Missouri Romance Writers. You can learn more about her at

About Michelle Sharp:

Award-winning author, Michelle Sharp, has been nominated for a 2014 National Readers Choice Award for Best Romantic Suspense and Best First Book. In addition, her debut novel Dream Huntress has been selected as a finalist in the 2015 Daphne Du Maurier award for Excellence in Mystery and Suspense. Although she has a degree in Journalism from Southern Illinois University, she finds weaving tales of danger, deception, and love much preferable to reporting the cold, hard facts.

As most authors probably are, she is an avid reader. Growing up in St. Louis has made her a die-hard Cardinals fan, and having a child with Down Syndrome has made her passionate about any issue regarding special needs kiddos. She’s also a fairly big sucker when it comes to anything with fur or feathers. Michelle is a proud member of Romance Writers of America and Missouri Romance Writers. You can learn more about her at

Connect with her on: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads

Michelle is offering up a fabulous prize during the Protecting the Dream Blitz event. One lucky winner will receive a $50 Gift Card for Amazon or B&N (winner’s choice)!

To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway





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