
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Matchbox Girls by Chrysoula Tzavelas Review Tour and Giveaway

MatchboxGirlsBanner (1)
Thank you so much for stopping by for the blog tour of Matchbox Girls, the first in the Senyaza series by Chrysoula Tzavelas. This is an adult urban contemporary fantasy. The tour runs September 14-25 with reviews only. Check out the tour page for the full schedule.

Matchbox Girls is on sale for only .99 cents for kindle from September 14-27th and the sequel Infinity Key will be free for kindle on September 15th.

  About the Book:
Matchbox GirlsFor a thousand years, the half-breed nephilim have kept the angels and Fallen from meddling in the world. And the angels would do anything to change that. Destroy cities. Turn oceans to blood. Raise the dead. Sacrificing two powerful little girls should be easy. 

Except... the two little girls are protected by one mortal woman.

Haunted by visions of catastrophe and crippling anxiety attacks, Marley Claviger  has never heard of any celestial cold war. But when the twin daughters of a friend come to her for help, she will do whatever it takes to save them. Even if it means working with Fallen, discovering the nephilim, and facing the source of her power.

About the Author:

As an Air Force kid, Chrysoula went to twelve schools in twelve years and spent a lot of time wondering what made people tick. Books, it turned out, helped with that question.These days she lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family, which includes many small and demanding creatures who fight over her attention. Her first book, urban fantasy MATCHBOX GIRLS, was originally published in 2012 by the small press Candlemark & Gleam, followed annually by two more books in the same SENYAZA Series, all of which explore the impact of the supernatural on different lives. Her current release is a collection of short stories in the same setting, followed by another novel this autumn.

$25 Amazon Gift Card (INT)
Ends September 29th
Prizing is provided by the author, hosts are not responsible in any way.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.
  My review;

Marley Claviger has never been a strong person. She has visions that terrify her. When her friend's 2 young daughters need her help, she cannot say no. But, she has no idea what she is getting herself into. These are 2 ordinary children. These are children that are stopping the cities from being destroyed. Now, the other side wants to sacrifice them.  They will have to through Marley if they want to even get close to these 2 children. She will have to use all in her power to keep them safe. I really liked this story and I liked the characters. I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for a review and these are all my opinions.


  1. Thank you for the excerpt, it looks great; love the cover.

  2. What a great powerful cover! I'd love to read this!

  3. I really love the cover and I enjoyed reading about the author. My dad was in the Air Force also.

  4. I'm really glad you enjoyed! Thank you so much for hosting a tour stop!

  5. Thank you for informing me about this book

  6. Congrats on the book! look forward to reading it

  7. Thanks for the chance!

  8. sounds like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway.

