
Friday, August 14, 2015

Trispero by Sean Adelman Virtual Tour, Excerpt, Guest Post and Giveaway


by Sean Adelman



Our intellect directs us. Our humanity defines us.

What if the key to unlocking our genetic code and our future lay within some of our most disenfranchised individuals? Would we still shun them?

Seattle in the year 2330: centuries of conflict have led to this precipice. If the world is to move forward, Olivay has the difficult task of teaching Alucia her history. Olivay knows that without understanding where she came from Alucia will never be able to help humanity explore the universe.

In present day Seattle, Jason Roy is a scientist whose life revolves around his daughter, Lily. Within her genome lies a secret that Jason has dedicated himself to uncovering. The mundane life of a scientist and his family takes a turn when a multinational corporation decides Jason Roy's research is a danger to them.

Jason and Lily are now running away from an unforeseen enemy and toward a discovery that will change mankind. Altering the world may come too late for Jason to save what matters most in his own world.

The great irony of unlocking our genetic potential was finding that our greatness was found in our love for one another.
-Trispero almanac


Ms. Sydney, you have five minutes left.”

I don’t have time. Debbie made a split decision. She moved the files directly into her drive before her program finished. “Thirty seconds, twenty seconds, five seconds. Download complete.”

Ms. Sydney, what are you doing?”

The alarm had notified him. Debbie carefully watched as the security guard moved toward her. He was the only other person here. The young guard at the window was not in her direct line of sight. Debbie quickly removed her drive. The guard moved in closer.

Ms. Sydney, I will need you to give me that drive and come with me!”

Debbie bowed her head as she turned with her hand held out gesturing toward the guard as if she was going to give him the drive. The guard reached to take it when Debbie seized his hand pulling him forward and allowing his momentum to increase the force as her opposite elbow collided with his temple. The guard was dazed but not out, so before he could alert anyone, she put him in a sleeper hold until he was out completely. Debbie quickly slid him under the table and moved toward the door. The guard in the window must not have heard anything as indicated by his curt nod. She returned his gesture and took great care not to run as she went toward the stairs. Patience. Don’t attract attention. 

Debbie left the stairwell carefully walking past the administration building security. The lines from the morning were gone so the guards acknowledged her. She turned and smiled while pushing on the door just as the alarm went off. Debbie ran with all her might away from the security gate at the road entrance. Running behind the building as the alarm got louder and louder, Debbie pulled out her phone.

Agent Davis, come get me.”

Guest Post:

The most common question I am asked is, how did an orthopedic surgeon decide he wanted to become a writer in the middle of his career? Working full time as a surgeon with three children didn't leave me much time to think about it. Before I began writing about seven years ago the only writing I had accomplished prior to that had been scientific papers and scholarly reviews. To fully understand how this occurred you need one more bit of information, my other day job. I am a happy husband and father to three beautiful kids now 20, 18, and 13. My middle daughter has Down syndrome and at the time I began writing she was starting middle school.

My inspiration for writing came in a moment of frustration. My wife and I rose our daughter, Devon, to be like her two other siblings, she went to the same schools, played the same sports, etc. On this day I had to deal with another person who didn't think Devon could do something I knew she could do. At every point in her life, to that point, when there was something I thought she couldn't do, she had repeatedly proven me wrong. I was no longer a doubter, it was important that we let her try, and maybe fail. "There is dignity in failing" my beautiful wife told me. So, when a coach told me and my wife Devon couldn't do something without even knowing her, something flipped inside me. There was a switch that I didn't realize was there, I had to let everyone know that my daughter was more than her diagnosis. Since I wasn't in radio or television, or any other entertainment for that matter I had to find a way to get my message out.

I love reading and had the epiphany that a great story could have a deep impact in how we see and feel things. In my fervor I sought out to write a story that would show what my daughter could do. As you would expect there was much more to writing a book then good intentions, never the less, my first draft of "Sam's Top Secret Journal" was started. It took well over a year to write and find an agent/editor to help me refine what I was doing. In the end I wrote three early reader chapter books in the "Sam's Top Secret Journal" series where the protagonist has Down syndrome. Everything "Sam" does in the books is something my daughter has done in real life, so they are meant to be fun and inspirational.

This brings us to Trispero. I love writing children's books, but three years ago I became troubled by some progressive trends towards early termination of babies diagnosed with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) due to new prenatal tests. This was happening based on poor counseling and little accurate information being given to expectant families. As this very troubling knowledge bubbled its way through my consciousness we happened to have a neighborhood party around the same time. One of my neighbors who attended the party was on the board of one of our local cancer treatment centers here in Seattle called the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Institute. As he told me of the amazing research they were doing for immune mediated therapies to treat cancer (Immune therapy uses your body’s own defense to battle cancer) my thoughts began to form. With my knowledge of the genetic makeup of people with Down syndrome and the new information from my friend I had the spark on an idea for a story that would be wonderfully fun to write, but more importantly, send a message about people like my daughter to the world.

My belief that through literature we can impact people’s thoughts, feelings, and perceptions gives me hope. A father's love for his daughter and knowledge that only through inclusion and acceptance can we begin to understand each other, fuels me to keep writing.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Sean Adelman is a practicing orthopedic surgeon in Seattle. When he isn't working hard to put people back together he enjoys writing, running, and attempting to play his electric guitar without frightening his two dogs, Chestnut and Orion. Sean has three children Brenna, Devon, and Ian with his wife of 25 years Susan.

Advocating for people with developmental disabilities is his life's passion and his inspiration for the middle grade book series, Sam's Top Secret Journal, and now his first adult novel, Trispero.

Join Sean on Facebook for book giveaways, events, and news on Sam’s Secret Journal and Trispero at or visit his website at

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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