
Friday, August 14, 2015

Trial Run by Thomas Locke Book Review



"Somewhere between spectacular and astonishingly compelling. After I finished, I could not let it go."--Phyllis Tickle, former senior editor, Publishers Weekly

Cutting-edge research requiring controversial experiments. Startling dreams delivering cryptic communication from the dreamer's future self. Ruthless rivals determined to control mind-bending new technology. When you're balancing on the edge of what's possible, trouble awaits, ready to push you into the abyss.

This daring psychological journey into the very nature of causation and consciousness will leave you turning the pages and grasping for solid ground--especially when it becomes clear just how much fact lies within the fiction.

"Truly remarkable. Extremely vivid and very well crafted. A wonderful read."--Keith Hazard, Acting Deputy Director (ret), Central Intelligence Agency

Dr. Gabriella Speciale has assembled an international team of elite scientists with one goal in mind--to create and control out-of-body experiences that transcend the limits of time and space. Reese Clawson's mind-bending experiments aim to explode the boundaries of human consciousness--and annihilate the opposition in the process.

When a terrifying discovery and a string of failed tests threaten to dismantle both programs, the key to survival may reside in the mind of a gifted grad student whose unsettling dreams have thrust him into the center of a dangerous battle for control.

As the threads of perception and reality become tangled and time itself twists in unexpected directions, one warning remains clear: what you don't know can kill you.

Thomas Locke
is a pseudonym for Davis Bunn, the award-winning novelist with total worldwide sales of seven million copies. His work has been published in twenty languages, and critical acclaim includes four Christy Awards for excellence in fiction. Davis divides his time between Oxford and Florida and holds a lifelong passion for speculative stories. As Thomas Locke, Davis is also the author of Emissary. Learn more at


"A truly remarkable work. The interweaving of three stories is faultless, the tension explosive. The story involving the intelligence community and military is extremely vivid and very well crafted. A wonderful read."
Keith Hazard, deputy director, Central Intelligence Agency
"I was not prepared for this. It's somewhere between spectacular and astonishingly compelling. The concept itself is so daring that one can't quite anticipate in any cautionary way what is coming. Bunn's writing has never been stronger. The power of his style--especially in the presentation of situations, contexts, and geography--is enough, more or less in and of itself, to make the book a gripping and intense experience. It's the daring of the plot and the fact that it works that astounds me most, however. Ultimately the acid test is that after I finished, I could not let it go. My head is still full of it; and that is a very, very good sign."
Phyllis Tickle, senior contributing editor, Publishers Weekly
"What a thrilling ride. I was gripped from page one. This has bestseller written all over it."
Charles Nettleton, director, Working Titles UK

Where to Purchase

The Author

  1. Thomas Locke

    Thomas Locke

    Thomas Locke is a pseudonym for Davis Bunn, the award-winning novelist with total worldwide sales of seven million copies. His work has been published in twenty languages, and critical acclaim includes four Christy Awards for excellence in fiction....
    Continue reading about Thomas Locke


"This book is a true psychological thriller that cannot be put down. . . .  an awesome jaunt into a world that may just be closer to reality than we think."
Suspense Magazine

My review;

 Author Thomas Locke has given us a that will leave you holding your breath. Reese Clawson has been running experiments that are mind-bending and they are trying to change the human conscious. Another experiment is also being done by Dr. Gabriella Speciale at the same time. Along with a bunch of some of the best scientists in the world she is trying to make and then try to control experiences that are out-of-body. Then it happens a horrible breakthrough. There is only one person that might be able to help. The fight is on for control. Who will win? I give this book a 4/5. I was given this book for the purpose of a review by Revell Publishing Company  and all opinions are my own.

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