
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

No Poverty Between the Sheets by Pauline Kiely Book Tour Guest Post and Giveaway

Book Description:

This book documents the strong ties that bind generations together. When the author poses the question to her Irish Granny, "If you were so poor why did you have ten children?" Says she, "To be certain, there was no poverty between the sheets!" This sassy saga of a large family that is half Irish and half French Canadian captures hilarious voices and comical antics of a vibrant family that is cloaked in love. A horse theme and song lyrics are neatly knitted throughout the layers of generations.


Did I choose memoir or did memoir choose me? by Pauline Kiely

Each and every one of us at every age carries a load or burden, but sometimes we just need to kickback, laugh, and lighten up. Being blessed with colourful, vibrant, and witty characters set the stage for this storyteller from an early age. Constantly throughout my life I have aspired to see and hear people laugh, and savoured satisfaction if an event or comment that had tickled my fancy, retold, earned even a smidgen of a smile. The ultimate goal would be a hearty belly laugh because this is when faces light up and I genuinely believe we human beings experience pure bliss. Retelling the comical antidotes of my great giant family came rather naturally, but the challenge of writing a book would prove to be my biggest ambition thus far.

First I began by collecting facts and tidbits of folklore from elders. Then I took part in various numerous courses in creative writing. I read and studied literary genius, all genres, and wrote chapters in fiction and in third person. When I read, "Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt I was inspired, but after inhaling a book titled, "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, I knew memoir was for me. The whole time I'd considered writing my story in fiction I feared readers would never swallow some of the coincidences, but being based on a true story naturally sorted this out.

My father was the fourth of ten children, Irish, and my mother the baby of twelve, French Canadian. My parents were high voltage - two sticks of dynamite. Once a month our house filled up with French people who would call me, "Pullin," and then two weeks later we'd be entertaining Irish relatives who pronounced my name as, "Pawleen." After mass one day a French priest, Father Ivan, said, "You, you are half Irish and half French Canadian, dis makes you Holy Smoke!" He made me laugh.

Every one of us has a story to tell, and after years of persistence and perspiration memoir enabled me to capture a chunk of mine. I tell the truth because that's how I roll, and the feedback to date has been overwhelmingly positive and fabulous for, "No Poverty Between the Sheets". Readers identify with this story that begins in a child's voice transcending into adulthood, and some have commented on the way they like the way relative poems, song lyrics, and the horse theme are neatly woven throughout. Today my genre of choice is memoir.


Author's Bio:

Pauline Kiely has been an avid student of Creative Writing her entire life. This author has consistently taken various courses and workshops offered at University of Toronto and Trent Universities. A year long memoir course with Susan Reynolds brought out this witty honest voice that shoots straight from the hip aiming for the heart.

Connect with the author:   Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook

Where to buy the book:



. Prize: ​ Win one of 5 copies of “No Poverty Between the Sheets” (international) and one of five Amazon $10 gift cards (Ends Sept 5)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I want to read this because it talks about large families in a comical way.

  2. I want to read this book because I am in the mood to read a "funnier" book.

  3. thx u for hosting the story...:)

  4. I love memoirs about poverty. :) odd, but true.
