
Monday, August 31, 2015

Love Bites: A Collection of Short Stories by Valeria Kogan Giveaway

Love Bites:
A Collection of Short Stories
Valeria Kogan

Genre: Romance

Publisher: Wattle Publishing

Number of pages: 134

Book Description:

Love Bites is the debut collection of short stories by Valeria Kogan. From heartbreak to redemption, Love Bites provides a spellbinding interpretation of love and friendship, glamour and guilt, secrets and deceit. Each story provides a captivating insight into the world of love; its profound impact and effect; and how women relate to their partners.

This cleverly constructed collection of short stories will leave you tantalized and yearning for more.

Amazon    Amazon UK   

About the Author:

Valeria Kogan was born in Russia and moved to the UK in 1991, where she developed her love of art and literature.

Publisher twitter: @wattlepub

Wattle Publishing Facebook:

Tour giveaway

3 paperback copies Love Bites


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