
Friday, August 21, 2015


When you walk up to Hershey's Chocolate World you can smell the chocolate everytime someone opened the door.

  We had to go up to Will Call to get our tickets and get our schedule for the different opportunities that we were given. It was decided that we would Make Our Own Candy Bar at 1:00 then at 3:00 see the 4D Movie.  At 4:15 we were scheduled for the Taste Testing.

Here are some of the things that you can do.

Here is Sissy near the sign.

Here are Bobo and Mommy in line to make their own candy bar. Bobo is finishing up on the phone.

Daddy is helping tie Sissy's apron so she can go in, too. You have to wear an apron and a hairnet.

Sissy and Mommy are all ready, with Bobo, Aunt Icky and Daddy in line. She looks sooo  cute!!

First you have to scan your ticket and then pick out the ingredients that you want in your candy bar.

Then you walk into the Factory Line.

Here we are watching our bars get made. At each stop they add the ingredients if that was what you picked.

Here is one of our bars going through.

This was when my candy bar went through. It was so exciting !!

In this part of the process the candy bars are being drenched with chocolate. This was went Sissy said she wanted it all.

The candy bar was hardened to go down the conveyor belt to get packaged.

Bobo is back to Mom's phone while Aunt Icky and Sissy show their candy bars.

Here is Mommy and Sissy showing their candy bars.

Then on the way out there is a bakery. And I do mean bakery!  These are look so good that I wanted one of everything that they had. I had a cupcake that was delicious. The kids had more chocolate.

Here is Sissy picking out more chocolate .
We were given passes for 4 Make Your Own Candy Bar Passes , 4   4D Movie Passes and 4 Taste Testing Passes from Hershey's Chocolate World. We paid for the rest of us on the trip. Thank you very much to Hershey's Chocolate World for this wonderful opportunity.

While we were there we picked out this really cute keychain to giveaway to one of our readers. Nana, Mommy Sissy are supplying the prize.  It is a Hershey Kiss. Please enter our Rafflecopter and Good Luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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