
Monday, July 27, 2015

Thorn by Liv Hayes Cover Reveal

by Liv Hayes 
Release Date: 10/01/15

Summary from Goodreads:

They say that bad news comes in threes – and for Emilia Hall, this is an understatement.

The anniversary of her son's death, her husband's affair, and a scathing separation. All on her 30th birthday.

In sorrow's wake, she leaves her editorial job at one of New York's largest publishing houses behind, packs a single suitcase, and exchanges Manhattan – and the past twelve years - for her long-abandoned and deceivingly idyllic hometown of Montauk.

There, on the beach-front, she meets a boy. They share a single night together. And she believes, like everything else, that she'll never see him again.

When she takes accepts an impromptu position as a Creative Writing teacher at the local high-school, she sees a way to begin picking up the pieces. A new chapter of life. A chance to heal.

But when a familiar face appears in her classroom – the boy from the beach, Bryan Thorn – everything changes.

She is broken. He is troubled. And despite the whispers, pain, and the shared pasts that threaten to destroy them both – neither can keep themselves away.

One thing is certain: some affairs prick like thorns.

About the Author
L. Hayes is voracious reader and lover of words. When not immersed in pages, she's usually writing them.

Author Links:
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