
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Price of Vengeance by Kurt D. Springs Blog Tour, Book Review and Giveaway

Book Description for Promise of Mercy:

Deirdre watched as Marisa turned and looked at her. She was shocked when she saw the child in her enemy’s arms. The Gothowan woman turned away to shield the child. Deirdre saw the child’s face. The child was looking right at her. Her expression was more curious than frightened. Deirdre knew she could take the fugitive without touching the child. She reoriented her aim, and her finger began to tighten.

It is twenty-five years after the events of Price of Vengeance. Deirdre and her sisters have returned to their home planet of Etrusci after completing their training with the Finnian Shock Forces. Their homecoming plans are disrupted when their mother, High Priestess Celinia, and other leaders of the clergy are taken hostage, and their father, Colonel Liam O’Connor, disappears. In their desperate search for their father, they discover that the Rebellion is secretly building weapons that could end civilization as they know it.

Meanwhile, Liam has been befriended by a Rebel war criminal, a woman Deirdre has sworn to kill. Will Deirdre cast herself into the role of judge, jury, and executioner, or will she discover the promise of mercy?

Book Description for Price of Vengeance:

“Liam! What have you done?” Marcus demanded. “You know our teachings on revenge,”

Suddenly, irrationally angry, Liam straightened. “How can you defend him after what he did? To you, to Mom, to my birth parents, to everyone we cared about?”

With a howl of despair and emotional agony, Liam dashed forward, through the shade of his father, blindly running into the sewers.

What is the Price of Vengeance? One could understand why Liam was angry. He was orphaned at the age of two by a group of giant carnivorous insects called the chitin. Adopted by High Councilor Marcus and his wife, Lidia, Liam was raised with their older son, Randolf in New Olympia, the last remaining city on the planet Etrusci. As an adult, Liam becomes a soldier. After being cut off from the city, Liam finds that there is an alien intelligence behind the chitin. To defeat it, he must discover who he is and how to use his powers. Then, Liam discovers that a traitor, responsible for his birth parents’ deaths, had murdered his beloved foster parents. Will the price he has to pay in his quest for vengeance prove to be an even more unbeatable foe?

Where to buy the book:

Author's Bio:

Kurt D. Springs is presently an adjunct professor of anthropology and archaeology in New Hampshire. He holds a PhD. in anthropology from the State University of New York at Buffalo, as well as a Master of Literature in archaeology from the National University of Ireland, Galway, and a Master of Liberal Arts in anthropology and archaeology from the Harvard University Extension School. His main area of interest is megalithic landscapes in prehistoric Ireland. He also reviews science fiction and fantasy on his blog Kurt’s Frontier.
Connect with Kurt:    Website  ~   Twitter  ~   Facebook
Prizes: ​

4 Winners: Prizes: 1) One set of books Price of Vengeance and Promise of Mercy in print (open to USA & CAN) 2) eBook copy of Price of Vengeance 3) eBook copy of Price of Vengeance and 4) eBook copy of Promise of Mercy (open internationally) Ends July 25

My review;

Price of Vengeance;

Liam is left alone in the world at only 2 years old. Everyone in his whole family have been attacked and killed by creatures that are like bugs called Chitans. Now he is all alone and wants vengeance. Marcus and his wife have decided to take care of him and he also gains a brother named Randolph.
As he gets older  he realizes that he needs to defeat the Chitin's boss in order to get his revenge. He has to find and beat the alien that is working behind the Chitins.
What is he going to do when others he loves are betrayed? I really liked this book and I give it a 4/5. It kept my interest throughout the book. I was given this book for a review. All opinions  are my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being part of my blog tour and for reviewing Price of Vengeance. Have a great week.
