
Friday, July 17, 2015

No Rest For the Wicked by Dane Cobain Blog Tour and Giveaway

No Rest for the Wicked

Dane Cobain

Genre: Supernatural Thriller

Publisher: Booktrope/Forsaken

Cover Artist: Ashley Ruggirello

Book Description:

When the Angels attack, there’s NO REST FOR THE WICKED.

Father Montgomery, an elderly priest with a secret past, begins to investigate after his parishioners come under attack, and with the help of Jones, a young businessman with an estranged child, Montgomery begins to track down the origin of the Angels.

The Angels are naked and androgynous. They speak in a dreadful harmony with no clear leader. These aren’t biblical cherubs tasked with the protection of the righteous – these are deadly creatures of light that have the power to completely eradicate.

When Jones himself is attacked, Father Montgomery knows he has to act fast. He speaks to the Angels and organises a final showdown where he’s asked to make the ultimate sacrifice.

About the Author:

Dane Cobain is a writer and poet from a place you've probably never heard of, somewhere in England. His debut novella, a supernatural thriller called 'No Rest for the Wicked', will be released by Forsaken in the summero f 2015. When he's not writing books, he's reading and reviewing them on his book blog, - Charles Bukowski, Graham Greene and Phillip Pullman are favourites.

Find him at or follow @DaneCobain on Twitter.

Tour giveaway $5 Amazon GC $10 Amazon GC $15 Amazon GC

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